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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #8: $1,500 Millionaire Maker No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
250,000 / 500,000

Andrew Dick Wins Massive Pot to Move Into Lead

Nível 24 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Andrew Dick
Andrew Dick

With nearly half a million already in the pot, the board showed {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{8-Spades} and a 250,000 chip bet from Andrew Dick sat in the middle. Bassel Assi called, leaving himself with approximately 800,000. The river was the {3-Hearts} and Dick announced that he was all in. Assi would tank for nearly two minutes before tossing a stack of chips into the middle, indicating a call.

Dick turned over {A-Spades}{10-Spades} for flopped two pair. It was good, as Assi turned over {A-}{K-}. The pot pushed Dick's stack to nearly four million as he moved to the top of the chip counts.

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Andrew Dick us
Andrew Dick
Bassel Assi
Bassel Assi

Big Stacks Face Off

Nível 24 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Matthew Livingston and Jonathan Dimmig, two of the larger stacks in the room, are sitting side by side and not shying away from playing big pots against one another. Livingston raised it up to 50,000 from under the gun and action folded around to Dimmig, who called from the small blind. Stephen Graner followed suit in the big blind.

The flop of {8-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} was checked around. When the {10-Spades} came, Dimmig bet 86,000 and Graner called. Livingston got out of the way and the river fell {Q-Clubs}. Dimmig bet again, this time to 135,000 and Graner called, showing {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts} and Dimmig mucked while grumbling about the river.

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Stephen Graner us
Stephen Graner
Jonathan Dimmig us
Jonathan Dimmig
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jonathan DimmigStephen Graner

"BalugaWhale" Poached

Nível 24 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Andrew Seidman got three-outed.
Andrew Seidman got three-outed.

Andrew "BalugaWhale" Seidman shoved all in for about 200,000 after an early-position open Maurice Hawkins. Hawkins made the call.

Hawkins: {q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}
Seidman: {a-Hearts}{j-Clubs}

"That's about as good as it's gonna get for me," Seidman said.

"Not when I hit this queen on yo' face," Hawkins said.

"Probably will, you're running white-hot," Seidman said.

The flop was harmless for Seidman, though.

"There it is," Hawkins said, but the dealer burned and turned a {10-}.

"There it is," he said again.

Persistence paid off, as the {q-Hearts} peeled off, ending Seidman's run.

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Andrew Seidman us
Andrew Seidman

Tags: Andrew SeidmanMaurice Hawkins

Nível: 25

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 5,000

Anderson Four-Bet Ships the Turn

Nível 25 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante

In the last hand before the dinner break, Bradley Anderson checked to Orez Mokedi in the cutoff, who bet 116,000 and was called on a flop of {6-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}. The turn brought the {3-Spades}, and Anderson checked again. Mokedi bet 1580,000, and Anderson min-raised. Mokedi came back over the top to the tune of another 180,000, and Anderson shoved all in for about 700,000. Mokedi tanked for at least two minutes before letting his hand go, saying he dumped an overpair.

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Bradley Anderson us
Bradley Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bradley AndersonOrez Mokedi

Brian Yoon Chased Down

Nível 25 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Brian Yoon
Brian Yoon

We got to the table with two players in the hand and a flop of {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Andrew Dick checked and Brian Yoon bet 80,000. Dick check-raised it to 225,000 and Yoon made the call.

The turn was the {2-Spades} and Dick moved all in. "I call," said Yoon as he shrugged his shoulders and turned over {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}. He looked at Dick as if he was half expecting him to turn over a set, but all Dick had was a gutshot straight draw and flush draw with {K-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}. The river would be a diamond to give Dick the flush.

"Sorry Brian," Dick said, almost looking guilty for eliminating the 2013 Little Drop for One Drop winner. The pot moved Dick above the five million chip mark.

Brian YoonInstantly out in 30th. Call off allin on turn for 2.5M pot with AQ on AQ52ddd and lose to KdTx
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Andrew Dick us
Andrew Dick
Brian Yoon us
Brian Yoon
WSOP 5X Winner

Shimelfarb Out, Remaining Players Redrawing

Nível 25 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Gennady Shimelfarb - 28th Place
Gennady Shimelfarb - 28th Place

Gennady Shimelfarb shoved all in for 600,000 and got reshoved on by Andrew Oh on his left. Everyone else folded.

Oh: {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Shimelfarb: {k-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

The two were flipping, but the drama was over by fourth street as Shimelfarb was dead on a {9-Clubs}{7-Spades}{3-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{5-Hearts} board.

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Andrew Oh us
Andrew Oh
Gennady Shimelfarb us
Gennady Shimelfarb

Tags: Andrew OhGennady Shimelfarb