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2024 WSOP Europe

Event #4: €2,000 Pot Limit Omaha
Dias: 2
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Event Info
Jogadores Restantes
Média de Fichas
Total de Fichas
Próxima Faixa de Pagamentos
Posição 20
Informações do Nível
6,000 / 12,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 2
Jogadores Restantes

Skacel Spikes a Straight to Crack Carmi's Aces

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Milan Skacel
Milan Skacel

Milan Skacel got his last 100,000 into the middle preflop with Eran Carmi being the player to try and send him to the cashier's desk.

Milan Skacel: A865 All in
Eran Carmi: AAK10

Skacel would need to crack Carmi's aces if he was to stay in the tournament. The flop of A98 gave Carmi top set, but did provide Skacel with a straight draw. The 7 turn was exactly what Skacel needed as he improved to a straight on the turn. There was no board pair on the river as the dealer put out the 4 and Skacel had earned a much-needed double.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Eran Carmi il
Eran Carmi
Milan Skacel cz
Milan Skacel

Tags: Milan SkacelEran Carmi

Saliba Gets Nuts In

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Arriving on a turn of 26109, Vivian Saliba made a bet of 65,000 into a pot of 80,000 from under the gun.

Anson Tsang had checked from the big blind and spent some time in the tank before putting Saliba all-in for 100,000 total. Saliba checked her cards and then called immediately.

Vivian Saliba: AK43 All in
Anson Tsang: K543

Tsang had no outs left in the deck, and he paid Saliba her double-up as the 5 river completed the board.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vivian Saliba br
Vivian Saliba
Anson Tsang hk
Anson Tsang
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Anson TsangVivian Saliba

Skacel Secures Post-Bubble Double

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Milan Skacel tossed in his final 35,000 or so preflop and was looked up by Tamazi Skhirtladze.

Milan Skacel: KJ54 All in
Tamazi Skhirtladze: QJJ2

Skacel was rooting for a king, and one came on the river when the board ran out 8A96K to bail him out and double him up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Tamazi Skhirtladze ge
Tamazi Skhirtladze
Milan Skacel cz
Milan Skacel

Tags: Milan SkacelTamazi Skhirtladze

Casagrande Bubbles the Event

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Harry Casagrande
Harry Casagrande

Fahredin Mustafov raised to 28,000 from early position with only Harry Casagrande making the call from the cutoff.

Both players checked the 623 flop to see the Q come on the turn. Mustafov bet 35,000 and Casagrande min-raised to 70,000. Mustafov called.

After Mustafov checked the J river, Casagrande shoved for 112,000. Mustafov asked the dealer for a count before he slid in the call.

Harry Casagrande: Q1098 All in
Fahredin Mustafov: AAJ4

Casagrande had just a pair of queens, but Mustafov had that beat with a pair of aces. Mustafov pulled in the pot and Casagrande earned the title of the bubble boy for this event

Fahredin Mustafov vs Harry Casagrande buble boy
Fahredin Mustafov vs Harry Casagrande buble boy
Fahredin Mustafov vs Harry Casagrande buble boy
Fahredin Mustafov vs Harry Casagrande buble boy
Harry Casagrande buble boy
Harry Casagrande buble boy
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov
Harry Casagrande at
Harry Casagrande

Tags: Fahredin MustafovHarald Casagrande

Sosic Surges Further

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Fahredin Mustafov raised to 25,000 in the hijack. David Sosic called in the small blind, as did Eran Carmi in the big blind.

Sosic checked to Carmi on the 763 flop, after which the latter led out for 41,000. Mustafov mucked before Sosic stuck in a call.

Carmi sized up to 102,000 on the 7 turn, again being check-called by Sosic, before both players checked the 9 river.

"Straight," announced Sosic as he tabled 101098 for a straight to the ten. Carmi mucked his cards in defeat, seeing Sosic chip up to a stack of 100 big blinds.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
David Sosic hr
David Sosic
Eran Carmi il
Eran Carmi
Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov

Tags: David SosicEran CarmiFahredin Mustafov

Lupascu Heralds Bubble Time

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Thomas Eychenne raised to 20,000 in the cutoff and called a subsequent three-bet to 68,000 from Matei Lupascu in the small blind.

Lupascu committed the rest of his 100,000 chips on the J2Q flop and was quickly called by Eychenne.

Matei Lupascu: AA85 All in
Thomas Eychenne: AJ109

Lupascu was still ahead with his aces, and remained so on the A turn. However, his set would become second-best on the K river, with Eychenne's Broadway eliminating Lupascu in 37th.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Thomas Eychenne fr
Thomas Eychenne
Matei Lupascu ro
Matei Lupascu

Tags: Matei LupascuThomas Eychenne

Skhirtladze Sends Ullakonoja Home

Nível 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Tamazi Skhirtladze
Tamazi Skhirtladze

On a flop of 8QA Iisakki Ullakonoja got the last of his chips into the middle with Tamazi Skhirtladze making the call to put him at risk.

Iisakki Ullakonoja: A975 All in
Tamazi Skhirtladze: KQ92

Ullakonoja had flopped top pair but Skhirtladze had a lot of outs to send him to the rail. The 10 turn meant Ullakonoja was drawing dead to the flush of Skhirtladze, as the inconsequential 3 came on the river.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Tamazi Skhirtladze ge
Tamazi Skhirtladze
Iisakki Ullakonoja fi
Iisakki Ullakonoja

Tags: Iisakki UllakonojaTamazi Skhirtladze

Nível: 17

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000