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2024 WSOP Europe

Event #1: €350 NLH Opener
Dias: 2
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Event Info
Jogadores Restantes
Média de Fichas
Total de Fichas
Próxima Faixa de Pagamentos
Posição 20
Informações do Nível
60,000 / 120,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 2
Jogadores Restantes

Siriunas Fires Every Street

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Vaidas Siriunas raised to 120,000 in the hijack and Franz Schubert called in the big blind.

Siriunas bet another 130,000 on the K87 flop and Schubert called. The turn was the 9 and Siriunas bet 150,000.

Schubert again called to the 5 river, where Siriunas bet 250,000. Schubert gave up his hand this time and Siriunas took down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vaidas Siriunas gb
Vaidas Siriunas
Franz Schubert de
Franz Schubert

Tags: Franz SchubertVaidas Siriunas

Maaz Makes It Three Bets

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Rene Maaz raised to 140,000 under the gun and received calls from Ferdinando Costagliola on the button and Vaidas Siriunas in the big blind.

The flop of 563 saw Maaz continue for 240,000. Costagliola then raised to 550,000, forcing Siriunas out of the pot. Maaz, however, piled in his entire stack of 1,290,000.

Costagliola asked for a count and spent some moments in the tank before folding what he claimed were pocket nines. Maaz showed his QQ for the better pair and raked in pot uncontested.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Ferdinando Costagliola it
Ferdinando Costagliola
Rene Maaz de
Rene Maaz
Vaidas Siriunas gb
Vaidas Siriunas

Tags: Ferdinando CostagliolaRene MaazVaidas Siriunas

Linke Gets Paid on the River

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Heads-up on a flop of JKQ, Przemyslaw Szymanski bet 135,000 from the cutoff and Enrico Linke called in the big blind.

Both players checked the 9 turn. The river was the A and Linke led out for 265,000. Szymanski called, then mucked once Linke turned over 107 for a straight to win the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Enrico Linke de
Enrico Linke
Przemyslaw Szymanski pl
Przemyslaw Szymanski

Tags: Enrico LinkePrzemyslaw Szymanski

Sabishchenko Dominates with Back-to-Back Big Pots

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

In the first hand, Rostyslav Sabishchenko took control, raising to 120,000 from the button and receiving a call from Klaus Buelow in the big blind.

The flop came down 732, and Buelow check-called Sabishchenko’s continuation bet of 120,000.

On the 6 turn, Buelow repeated the same move, check-calling a larger bet of 330,000 from Sabishchenko.

However, when the Q river appeared, Buelow checked again, and this time Sabishchenko went all in. Unwilling to risk his tournament life, Buelow folded.

In the very next hand, Sabishchenko kept up the pressure, raising once again to 120,000 from the cutoff. This time, Lishai Heshbon, sitting in the big blind, called.

Unlike the previous hand, Heshbon took the initiative on the 493 flop, leading out with a bet of 130,000, which Sabishchenko called.

The action continued on the 7 turn, where Heshbon fired another bet of 230,000, and Sabishchenko once again called.

With the river showing A, both players hesitated, checking the potential flush threat, and the hand went to showdown. Sabishchenko revealed JJ, which proved strong enough as Heshbon quickly mucked his cards, leaving Sabishchenko to scoop the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Rostyslav Sabishchenko ua
Rostyslav Sabishchenko
Klaus Buelow de
Klaus Buelow
Lishai Heshbon il
Lishai Heshbon

Tags: Klaus BuelowLishai HeshbonRostyslav Sabishchenko

Fluegel Fills Up on Alberigo

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Kevin Fluegel made it 125,000 to go in the small blind and was called by Emilio Alberigo in the big blind. Fluegel continued for the minimum of 60,000 on the 977 flop and received another call.

The pair then checked through the A turn before Fluegel fired another 125,000 on the 2 turn. Alberigo quickly called but mucked his cards just as swiftly when Fluegel tabled A7 for a full house.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Kevin Fluegel de
Kevin Fluegel
Emilio Alberigo it
Emilio Alberigo

Tags: Emilio AlberigoKevin Fluegel

Siriunas Comes From Behind to Double Off Maaz

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Action folded to Vaidas Siriunas who moved all in for 295,000 in the small blind. Rene Maaz called in the big blind to put him at risk.

Vaidas Siriunas: A7 All in
Rene Maaz: AQ

Siriunas found himself dominated as the flop came 258. The turn was the 7 and Siriunas hit a pair to take the lead, while the 10 on the river secured him the pot and a double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vaidas Siriunas gb
Vaidas Siriunas
Rene Maaz de
Rene Maaz

Tags: Vaidas SiriunasRene Maaz

Friendly Game Between Betrix and Fernandes

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Carlos Fernandes raised his button to 125,000. Manoe Betrix made it 395,000 in the small blind before Fernandes jammed all in, covering Betrix's above-average stack.

Betrix spent a few minutes in the tank before finding a fold. Fernandes showed his opponent AK, after which Betrix tabled his A10 as well.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Carlos Fernandes pt
Carlos Fernandes
Manoe Betrix ch
Manoe Betrix

Tags: Carlos FernandesManoe Betrix

Fluegel Out-Races Vunderer

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Jan Vunderer raised to 125,000 on the button, Kevin Fluegel moved all in for 920,000 in the small blind, and Vunderer called.

Kevin Fluegel: KJ All in
Jan Vunderer: 66

Fluegel took the lead on the J103 flop with a pair of jacks, and the rest of the board ran out 53 to earn him a double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Kevin Fluegel de
Kevin Fluegel
Jan Vunderer cz
Jan Vunderer

Tags: Jan VundererKevin Fluegel

Troyanovskiy Calls Down Savocka Light

Nível 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

On the first hand back from break, David Savocka moved all in for 250,000 from early position as action folded around to Vladimir Troyanovskiy in the big blind who called to put Savocka at risk.

David Savocka: Q10 All in
Vladimir Troyanovskiy: 32

The A56 flop gave Troyanovskiy outs to a straight, while the 4 turn completed his straight and left Savocka drawing dead heading to the K river and heading to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
David Savocka cz
David Savocka

Tags: David SavockaVladimir Troyanovskiy

Nível: 28

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 60,000