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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #84: $600 Ultra Stack No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
3,000,000 / 6,000,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Nível: 39

Blinds: 800,000/1,600,000

Ante: 1,600,000

Robinson Making Comeback

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Ricky Robinson
Ricky Robinson

Ricky Robinson moved all in from the cutoff for 9,600,000 and Axel Orellana moved all in with the biggest stack at the table for isolation and it worked as everyone else folded.

Ricky Robinson: AJ All in
Axel Orellana: 77

The board ran well for Robinson with a small sweat with the heart draw 5910AK but in the end Robinson won with his pair of aces.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Axel Orellana
Day 2 Chip Leader
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Ricky Robinson

Tags: Axel OrellanaRicky Robinson

Bello Scores a Double Up

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Albyn Bello
Albyn Bello

Daniel Rezaei raised to 2,500,000 in late position and action folded to Albyn Bello, who was in the big blind.

Bello looked at his cards, and then briefly looked up at the monitor displaying the payouts before focusing back on the table. After a few moments, Bello moved all in and was called by Rezaei, who had Bello covered.

Albyn Bello: 44 All in
Daniel Rezaei: Ax9x

Bello’s small pocket pair were in the lead preflop, and he seized control of the hand when the dealer fanned Q45 on the board.

The 7 on the turn and 7 on the river gave Bello a full house for the win and a double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Albyn Bello
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Daniel Rezaei

Tags: Albyn BelloDaniel Rezaei

Karanvir Singh Eliminated in 17th Place ($17,040)

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Karanvir Singh
Karanvir Singh

Carsten Heidemann raised from under the gun and Karanvir Singh moved all in from the cutoff for around 10,000,000. Phuoc Nguyen also moved all in from the button and covered Singh. Heidemann got out of the way and left the players to go heads-up to the runout.

Karanvir Singh: K10All in
Phuoc Nguyen: AQ

The flop came 5QJ with Nguyen hitting a pair of queens, but there was a small sweat of an open-ended straight draw for Singh.

The 6 turn and 6 river didn't bring in the straight, or the backdoor flush to save Singh, and he was eliminated in 17th place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Phuoc Nguyen
Profile photo of Karanvir Singh us
Karanvir Singh

Tags: Carsten HeidemannKaranvir SinghPhuoc Nguyen

Double for Szumowski

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Robert Szumowski
Robert Szumowski

Axel Orellana moved all in from the button and Robert Szumowski called for their entire stack in the small blind, putting themselves at risk of elimination.

Robert Szumowski: AKAll in
Axel Orellana: K10

Szumowski was looking to stay ahead, and the 2J83A runout secured him the double.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Axel Orellana
Day 2 Chip Leader
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Robert Szumowski

Tags: Axel OrellanaRobert Szumowski

Nguyen Asks for No Calls

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Phuoc Nguyen was all in for 13,500,000 from a middle position and the action was on Robert Szumowski in the cutoff. Nguyen was stood from the table and asking "please no one call". Szumowski considered and made the call, and the players flipped their hands.

Phuoc Nguyen: QQAll in
Robert Szumowski: QQ

Once the cards were shown Nguyen was calling for an "all black" flop.

The runout came 56587 and the players chopped the pot.

A few hands later Nguyen managed to pick up a few more chips after Axel Orellana raised from the hijack to 2,500,000 and Nguyen called.

The two players saw a AK10 flop and Nguyen check raised to 7,200,000 after Orellana bet out 2,200,000 and folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Phuoc Nguyen us
Phuoc Nguyen
Profile photo of Robert Szumowski us
Robert Szumowski

Tags: Axel OrellanaPhuoc NguyenRobert Szumowski

Who Has the Set?

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Ricky Robinson raised from the early position to 2,600,000 and Robert Szumowski called from the hijack, as did Jason Wester from the button and Carsten Heidemann from the big blind. The flop came out with 3K2 and Robinson placed the continuation bet of 5,500,000 and Szumowski folded but Wester put in the raise to 11,000,000. Heidemann folded from the big blind.

Robinson stated, "Shit I am all in" and put his chips in for 23,260,000.

Wester went into the think tank and queried, "Do you have a set?' and decided to make the call.

Jason Wester: 22 All in
Ricky Robinson: KQ

The turn 9 and the river K sealed the win and Robinson was shocked that Wester had the set which turned into a full house.

Hearing at the other table that someone was eliminated and there was a money jump, Robinson celebrated and moved all in for his remaining 4,500,000 from early position. Wester made the call from the cutoff.

Ricky Robinson: Q8 All in
Jason Wester: A2

The board came out with 599Q9 and Robinson was saved by the full house.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Jason Wester
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Carsten Heidemann
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ricky Robinson us
Ricky Robinson
Profile photo of Robert Szumowski us
Robert Szumowski

Tags: Carsten HeidemannJason WesterRicky RobinsonRobert Szumowski

Epparla Doubles Through Antelo

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Roberto Antelo raised to 3,000,000 from the hijack. Ramana Epparla was on the button and three-bet to 7,500,000. Small blind thought for a while before folding and then Antelo quickly put Epparla all in. Epparla called for 9,900,000 total.

Ramana Epparla: AAAll in
Roberto Antelo: QQ

Antelo let out a disappointed ‘Ayaaa!’ upon seeing the cooler.

The flop robbed him of any hope for a turnaround, it came 8A2, all but sealing Epparla’s double-up. It was confirmed on the 4 and 2 turn and river.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Ramana Epparla
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Roberto Antelo

Tags: Ramana EpparlaRoberto Antelo

Michael Gehrmann Eliminated in 18th Place ($13,720)

Nível 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Michael Gehrmann
Michael Gehrmann

Juan Garibaldi raised in early position to 2,100,000 and action folded to Michael Gehrmann in the big blind.

Gehrmann, peeled back his hold cards, and then called.

The dealer fanned 3410 on the flop, and Gehrmann checked. Garibaldi bet, and then faced a check-raise from Gehrmann, who moved all in.

Garibaldi had Gehrmann covered and called, and then saw some bad news as Gehrmann set a trap.

Michael Gehrmann: KK All in
Juan Garibaldi: A10

Garibaldi had a single request for the dealer before the turn.

“Ace, please,” Garibaldi said.

He got his wish, as the dealer placed A on the board to give Garibaldi the lead. The 5 showed up on the river to officially send a clearly disappointed Gehrmann out in the 18th place.

A few players at the table stood up to shake Gehrmann’s hand as he exited the table.

“He got lucky,” one player said to console Gehrmann.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
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Juan Garibaldi
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Michael Gehrmann

Tags: Juan GaribaldiMichael Gehrmann

Nível: 38

Blinds: 600,000/1,200,000

Ante: 1,200,000