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2024 World Series of Poker

Dias: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
150,000 / 300,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Summer of Madness: Too Soon to Call it the Greatest World Series of Poker of All Time?

Nível 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Phil Ivey & Scott Seiver
Phil Ivey & Scott Seiver

Are we witnessing the greatest World Series of Poker (WSOP) ever?

No hyperbole, that's a genuine question. On Sunday, Scott Seiver won his third bracelet of the summer making him a lock to win the 2024 WSOP Player of the Year award. Or, so you'd think. But the latter part of that sentence couldn't be further from the truth.

Read the Full Story Here

Team Wheeler Eliminated in 6th Place ($36,282)

Nível 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Team Jason Wheeler , Anthony Nardi,
Team Jason Wheeler , Anthony Nardi,

Two adversaries at the final table clashed and one of the team’s run would end.

Jason Wheeler moved all in with his remaining 1,750,000 and action folded to Richard Ali, who immediately called to put Wheeler at risk.

The two exchanged pleasantries earlier at the final table, and this showdown had an edge, especially when Ali jumped up when he saw Wheeler’s tabled hand.

Jason Wheeler: AQ All in
Richard Ali: QQ

“Ladies!” Ali exclaimed to the delight of his rail.

The dealer fanned 6AQ on the flop, giving Ali middle set and a firm grip on the hand. The J on the turn opened a flush possibility for Wheeler, but 9 on the river ended Team Wheeler’s run in sixth place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Richard Ali - Patsy Altomari us
Richard Ali - Patsy Altomari
Jason Wheeler – Anthony Nardi us
Jason Wheeler – Anthony Nardi

Tags: Jason WheelerRichard Ali

Hopkins on a Heater

Nível 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Joshua Hopkins of Team Hopkins raised to 320,000 from the cutoff and Kevin Bagin called from the button.

The flop came A710 and both players were quick to check.

While the turn peeled the 6, Hopkins led out for 380,000.

He received a quick fold from Bagin.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Mark Bagin – Kevin Bagin us
Mark Bagin – Kevin Bagin
Joshua Hopkins – Charles Honkonen ca
Joshua Hopkins – Charles Honkonen

Tags: Kevin BaginJoshua Hopkins

Team Hall Eliminated in 7th Place ($27,382)

Nível 30 : 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Team Sheraton Hall - Malcolm Trayner
Team Sheraton Hall - Malcolm Trayner

Malcolm Trayner of Team Hall moved all in for his team’s remaining 1,185,000 and action fell on Kevin Bagin, who asked for a count.

After the dealer confirmed the amount, Bagin, who had Team Hall covered, moved all in and the rest of the table folded.

Malcolm Trayner: 99 All in
Kevin Bagin: AQ

Trayner was ahead, but the flop of 386 gave Bagin the nut flush draw in addition to his two over cards.

The flush arrived when K hit the turn, and then 3 on the river proved inconsequential to the outcome.

Team Hall exited the tournament in seventh place for a payout of $27,382.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Mark Bagin – Kevin Bagin us
Mark Bagin – Kevin Bagin
Sheraton Hall – Malcolm Trayner
Sheraton Hall – Malcolm Trayner

Tags: Kevin BaginMalcolm Trayner

Nível: 30

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000

Setna Takes it Down

Nível 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Jimmy Setna of Team Setna raised to 240,000 from the button and Joshua Hopkins of Team Hopkins defended his big blind.

The flop came J32 and Hopkins was quick to check.

Setna continued for 200,000 and was rewarded with the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jimmy Setna - Jason James
Jimmy Setna - Jason James
WSOP 1X Winner
Joshua Hopkins – Charles Honkonen ca
Joshua Hopkins – Charles Honkonen

Tags: Joshua HopkinsJimmy Setna

Team Exterkotter Eliminated in 8th Place ($20,942)

Nível 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Team Marcos Exterkotter, Henry Fischer
Team Marcos Exterkotter, Henry Fischer

Aaron Thomas raised in late position, and action folded to Marcos Exterkotter, who was in the blinds as one of the table short stacks.

Exterkotter peeked at his cards and moved all in, which Thomas called to put Team Exterkotter at risk.

Marcos Exterkotter: JJ All in
Aaron Thomas: 66

Exterkotter had the lead before the flop, but Thomas seized control of the hand when the dealer placed 68A on the board, giving Team Thomas a set of sixes.

The 7 on the turn and 4 on the river officially ended Team Exterkotter’s tournament in eighth place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Aaron Thomas – Burcu Dagli us
Aaron Thomas – Burcu Dagli
Marcos Exterkotter - Henry Fischer gb
Marcos Exterkotter - Henry Fischer

Tags: Aaron ThomasMarcos Exterkotter

Ali Bests Wheeler as Tensions Flare

Nível 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Team Richard Ali, Patsy Altomari
Team Richard Ali, Patsy Altomari

Kevin Bagin of Team Bagin raised to 400,000 from late position. Richard Ali of Team Ali moved all in for 2,300,000 from the button and Jason Wheeler of Team Wheeler moved all in for more. Everyone else folded and both players revealed their hands.

Richard Ali: AK All in
Jason Wheeler: QQ

The board ran out A5J88 for Ali to take the pot. Tensions flared after the hand as Wheeler mentioned that "I deserve this win" when he flipped his cards.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Richard Ali - Patsy Altomari us
Richard Ali - Patsy Altomari
Jason Wheeler – Anthony Nardi us
Jason Wheeler – Anthony Nardi

Tags: Jason WheelerKevin BaginRichard Ali