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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #38: $10,000 Limit 2-7 Triple Draw Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
100,000 / 200,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Martini and Johansson Exchange Pre-Draw Raises

Nível 21 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Julien Martini
Julien Martini

After Julien Martini raised on the button and Oscar Johansson three-bet from the small blind, the players exchanged raises until they were capped at five bets each.

The players drew one each and Johansson check-called a bet from Martini.

The players drew one each again and then checked to the final draw where they still needed a card each.

Johansson checked a final time and then quickly called a bet from Martini, who showed him 8x7x6x4x2x for a winner to take a sizeable pot and continue moving up the leaderboard.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Oscar Johansson se
Oscar Johansson
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Julien MartiniOscar Johansson

Ryynanen Doubles Through Glaser

Nível 21 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Sampo Ryynanen
Sampo Ryynanen

After Benny Glaser raised on the button, Sampo Ryynanen three-bet out of the small blind. Glaser called and each player drew two.

Ryynanen then led out with a bet that Glaser called and now each player only needed one card.

Ryynanen moved his last 65,000 chips into the middle which got another call from Glaser to put the Finn at risk.

Glaser faced a pat from Ryynanen and decided to draw one.

Ryynanen fanned his 9x7x6x3x2x, while Glaser showed 9x6x3x2x/Xx. The start of day chip leader needed a five or four to eliminate Ryynanen, but instead drew a Qx, sending a double-up to him instead.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
Sampo Ryynanen fi
Sampo Ryynanen

Tags: Benny GlaserSampo Ryynanen

Johansson Soaring; Ryynanen Sinking

Nível 21 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Oscar Johansson
Oscar Johansson

On the first hand, Julien Martini raised and was called by Oscar Johansson in the small blind. Benny Glaser then three-bet from the big blind and both Martini and Johansson called.

Johansson and Martini drew two, while Glaser stood pat. Glaser bet after being checked to and both players called.

On the second draw, Johansson and Martini took one off and Glaser remained pat. Glaser again bet and both players again called.

The same drawing action occured and then all three players checked. Johansson showed 8x5x4x3x2x and neither Glaser or Martini could beat it — sending the pot Johansson's way.

A few hands later, Michael Rodrigues raised first-to-act and was called by Johansson on the button and Sampo Ryynanen in the big blind.

Everyone drew two on the first draw and action checked through.

On the second draw, Ryynanen drew one and both Rodrigues and Johansson drew two. Action checked to Johansson, who bet. Only Ryynanen called.

Both players drew one on the final draw and and Ryynanen check-called a bet from Johansson, who turned over 8x6x4x3x2x. Ryynanen couldn't beat it and mucked — conceding the pot to Johansson.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
Oscar Johansson se
Oscar Johansson
Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
WSOP 1X Winner
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner
Sampo Ryynanen fi
Sampo Ryynanen

Tags: Benny GlaserJulien MartiniMichael RodriguesOscar JohanssonSampo Ryynanen

How About Another Wheel for Martini?

Nível 21 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Julien Martini
Julien Martini

After Michael Rodrigues raised the button and got three-bet by Julien Martini in the small blind, Oscar Johansson cold-called in the big blind and Rodrigues called as well.

Martini and Johansson each drew one, while Rodrigues needed two cards. Martini led right out with a bet which got called by both opponents.

Martini patted his hand while each of his opponents drew one.

The French star then bet again, still getting calls from both opponents who each needed a card after Martini remained pat.

Martini fired a final time on the end which got a fold from Johansson, but Rodrigues gave it some thought before making the call.

Martini showed another wheel, 7x5x4x3x2x, to boost his stack to over a million for the first time today.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
WSOP 1X Winner
Oscar Johansson se
Oscar Johansson
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Julien MartiniMichael RodriguesOscar Johansson

Martini Doubles With a Wheel

Nível 21 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 0 ante

Julien Martin raised in the cutoff and was called by Benny Glaser in the small blind and Sampo Ryynanen in the big blind.

Everyone drew two on the first draw and action checked to Martini, who bet. Both Glaser and Ryynanen called.

On the second draw, Glaser drew two, Ryynanen drew one, and Martini drew one. Glaser checked to Ryynanen, who bet. Only Martini called.

Ryynanen stood pat on the final draw and Martini drew one. Ryynanen bet and Martini called all in.

Ryynanen announced an eight, but Ryynanen held the nuts with the 7x5x4x3x2x and doubled up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
Sampo Ryynanen fi
Sampo Ryynanen
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserJulien MartinSampo Ryynanen

Nível: 21

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 0

Phil Galfond Offers Poker Hall of Fame Pick; Says Two Should Be Inducted Per Year

Nível 20 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Phil Galfond has yet to make an appearance at the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP), and as he told PokerNews, right now he has no plans to play live.

“But who knows, plans change,” added Galfond, who has been playing online at

While Galfond hasn’t been at the WSOP – well, at least Phil as his wife, Farah Galfond, has been competing – the three-time bracelet winner is still weighing in by his relatively new newsletter “PG’s Takes of the Week.”

One of the topics the online poker legend, who prior to the WSOP inserted himself in some drama involving Doug Polk and Charlie Carrel with a pointed letter, was that of the Poker Hall of Fame. Right now, the public is being solicited for nomination.

“The nominations for the Poker Hall of Fame are now open, presenting voters with a familiar dilemma: there are simply too many great options to choose from,” Galfond wrote before giving his picks.

Click here to see Phil Galfond's PHoF picks!

Rodrigues Shows an Eight

Nível 20 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Sampo Ryynanen raised on the button and was called by Michael Rodrigues in the small blind. Julien Martini three-bet from the big blind and both Ryynanen and Rodrigues called.

Rodrigues drew one, Martini stood pat, and Ryynanen drew two on the first draw. Martini then bet after being checked to and both players called.

On the second draw, Rodrigues drew one, Martini stood pat, and Ryynanen drew two. Martini bet again and only Rodrigues called.

Both players stood pat and checked down on the end. Rodrigues turned over 8x7x5x4x2x and Martini mucked — awarding the pot to Rodrigues.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
WSOP 1X Winner
Sampo Ryynanen fi
Sampo Ryynanen
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner

Glaser and Martini Battle Again

Nível 20 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Benny Glaser raised from the cutoff and action folded to Julien Martini in the big blind, who three-bet. Glaser made it four bets to go and Martini called.

Both players drew one on the first draw and Martini check-called a bet from Glaser.

Martini drew one and Glaser stood pat on the second draw. This time Martini check-raised a bet from Glaser and Glaser called.

Both players stood pat on the end and Martini bet, which sent Glaser deep into the tank.

Glaser eventually decided to let his hand go and Martini was sent the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserJulien Martini