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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Dias: 1b
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1b
Jogadores Restantes

Abramovich Gets the Best of Kennedy Again

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Lincoln Kennedy
Lincoln Kennedy

Four players saw a flop of {3-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{9-Spades}, including old foes Bernardo Abramovich and Lincoln Kennedy.

Abramovich bet 3,000 and only Kennedy called to see the {a-Diamonds} on the turn. Abramovich bet another 3,000 and Kennedy let out a deep sigh and looked up in the air.

"I'm strong," Abramovich said while holding up his fists as the two players shared a laugh. Kennedy eventually called and they saw the {2-Hearts} fall on the river.

Abramovich bet 3,000 once again, putting in a red 5,000 chip. "Same bet," Kennedy said.

"Two thousand," Abramovich joked, lowering the amount of his bet.

"Discount," a tablemate added as Kennedy once again agonized over the call.

"One thousand," Abramovich said, lowering his bet even more.

Kennedy eventually mucked two kings as Abramovich first showed a {q-Clubs}, followed by the {a-Hearts} for trip aces. The Argentine and the All-Pro lineman shook hands following the action as Abramovich took another round of their duel.

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Bernardo Abramovich us
Bernardo Abramovich
Lincoln Kennedy us
Lincoln Kennedy

Tags: Bernardo AbramovichLincoln Kennedy

Andrews Eliminated

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Cherish Andrews During Ladies Championship Event
Cherish Andrews During Ladies Championship Event

According to a player at the table, Cherish Andrews had gotten her remaining short stack of approximately 7,000 in with {a-}{q-} against her opponent's {k-}{9-}.

Andrews was the favorite to double, but a king on the turn sent her to the rail and ended her 2022 WSOP Main Event.

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Cherish Andrews us
Cherish Andrews

Tags: Cherish Andrews

Hagenlocher Wakes Up to Aces

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Action was picked up as the small blind had already put in 7,300. Patrick Hagenlocher put in a raise to 17,600. His opponent, after a bit of thought, moved all in for somewhere around 60,000. Hagenlocher, with his opponent covered, snap called.

Opponent: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}
Patrick Hagenlocher: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}

Hagenlocher had his opponent crushed, and the {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{4-Spades}{9-Spades}{4-Clubs} runout did nothing to change that. After snapping a quick photo of the, as he put it, "bad beat... well not bad beat, just bad luck," the opponent headed for the rail while Hagenlocher stacked up his chips, sailing north of the 200,000 mark.

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Patrick Hagenlocher us
Patrick Hagenlocher
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Patrick Hagenlocher

Eolis, First Women to Ever Cash the Main Event, Is Running It Up

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Wendeen Eolis
Wendeen Eolis

Wendeen Eolis is in the field for Day 1b of the Main Event.

She was famously the first woman to ever cash in the Main Event in 1986 when she finished 25th.

You can read a featured article about her here.

Eolis continued to be a pioneer for women in poker in the years after. She has chipped up in the early going here just before dinner.

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Wendeen Eolis us
Wendeen Eolis

Tags: Wendeen Eolis

Jayne Sends Nellis Home Via Fourth of July Pocket Rockets

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Jordan Jayne
Jordan Jayne

Jordan Jayne opened from under the gun and was immediately three-bet by the player to his left. Action folded to Michael Nellis on the button with who put in the cold four-bet.

Jayne put in the five-bet and moved all in, having about 72,000 in his stack.

The player in between folded, Nellis thought for a bit and made the call for less, about 45,000.

Jordan Jayne: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}
Michael Nellis: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

"Nice playing with you boys," said Nellis, seeing he was in rough shape.

The board ran out {3-Spades}{9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades}{5-Diamonds} to keep Jayne ahead and eliminat Nellis.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Michael Banducci us
Michael Banducci
WSOP 1X Winner
Jordan Jayne us
Jordan Jayne
Michael Nellis
Michael Nellis

Tags: Jordan JayneMichael BanducciMichael Nellis

Dinner Break

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Alex Foxen
Alex Foxen

The field has been sent on a 75-minute dinner break. When they return, blinds will be 300/500 with a 500 big blind ante at which point play will continue for two more levels before the survivors bag for the night.

Action picked up somewhat during Level 3, with a handful of notable bustouts alongside tough calls and some even tougher folds. Andreas Kniep continues to ascend and is one of the first players in the flight to crack the 200,000 mark while elsewhere Alex Foxen is busy building a stack. Below are some of the highlights from the past two hours.

Tags: Alex FoxenAndreas Kniep

Nível: 4

Blinds: 300/500

Ante: 500

Dickman's Flush Takes Some From Rabichow

Nível 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Jeffrey Dickman raised to 1,200 from early position and Kevin Rabichow defended from the big blind.

The flop came {2-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{j-Hearts} and Rabichow check-called a bet of 1,200. The turn was the {8-Clubs} and this time Rabichow led for 2,600.

Dickman called to see the {3-Clubs} on the river as Rabichow slowed down and checked. Dickman tossed out 1,500 and Rabichow called.

Dickman turned over {k-Spades}{k-Clubs} for a flush to take a bit off Rabichow's massive stack.

"You do good on these all-club runouts," a tablemate told Dickman after the hand, relating that Dickman had made a club flush with pocket queens earlier in the day.

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Kevin Rabichow us
Kevin Rabichow
Run It Once
Jeffrey Dickman us
Jeffrey Dickman

Tags: Jeffrey DickmanKevin Rabichow

Lucky Number 23 Gets It Done for Anantasomboon

Nível 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

With around 5,000 in the middle on a {a-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} board, Varavoot Anantasomboon, who also goes by Jed, bet 2,300 from the small blind. The big blind and the cutoff both called.

On the {2-Spades} turn, Anantasomboon again bet 2,300. The big blind folded and the cutoff called.

The river brought the {5-Clubs} and Anantasomboon bet 2,300 for a third time. The cutoff called.

Anantasomboon showed {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} for the win, beating his opponent's {a-Clubs}{8-Clubs}.

If his bet sizing wasn't entertaining enough, it should be noted that he's sitting at table 523.

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Varavoot Anantasomboon us
Varavoot Anantasomboon

Tags: Varavoot Anantasomboon