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2021 World Series of Poker

Event #4: $500 The Reunion No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 1b
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
2,500,000 / 5,000,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1b
Jogadores Restantes

Alirachedi Turns Trips to Eliminate Two

Nível 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

A player in middle position raised and Sami Alirachedi called in the lojack. The cutoff made it 8,000 and both players called.

The flop was {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{10-Spades}, and after two checks, the cutoff jammed for around 25,000. The middle position player moved all his chips in for about that same amount, and Alirachedi covered both players and called.

Cutoff: {q-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Middle Position: {7-Clubs}{5-Clubs}
Sami Alirachedi: {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}

The cutoff was ahead with the ladies, but Alirachedi had top pair and a flush draw, and the middle position player had a straight flush draw.

The {10-Spades} turn gave Alirachedi trips and the lead, and the {5-Hearts} river gave him the pot and eliminated two players.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sami Alirachedi us
Sami Alirachedi

Massive Pot for Munisekar

Nível 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

On a flop of {8-Spades}{7-Clubs}{6-Hearts} there was roughly 10,000 in the middle. Both players in the hand put out 12,000 chips to see the turn. The dealer flipped the {9-Diamonds}, and the player first to act led out for 6,500. Devaray Munisekar made the call.

The river was the {a-Diamonds}, and after his opponent checked, Munisekar fired out a bet of 14,200, which was snap-called. Munisekar tabled {9-Spades}{9-Hearts} for a turned set of nines, while his opponent showed the losing flopped set of eights, sending a monster pot to Munisekar.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Devaray Munisekar
Devaray Munisekar

Owen Shoves River

Nível 5 : 400/800, 800 ante
Adam Owen
Adam Owen

The action was picked up on the turn of a board showing {j-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}. The pot had about 15,000 chips, and Adam Owen was in the hijack facing a bet of 6,000 from the small blind. Owen made the call.

The river was a {k-Hearts} and the small blind checked. Owen put out a bet of 75,000, covering the opponent and within 15 seconds, the small blind player folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Adam Owen gb
Adam Owen

Flush Over Flush for Granados

Nível 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

Picking up the action on a flop of {7-Spades}{6-Spades}{2-Spades}, Freddy Granados checked to the player in position who fired out a bet of 13,500 into the pot of roughly 13,000. Granados didn't take long before announcing he was all in for roughly 60,000 in chips. His opponent called the remainder of his chips and both hands were tabled.

Opponent: {j-Spades}{8-Spades}
Freddy Granados: {k-Spades}{9-Spades}

Granados had flopped a higher flush than his opponent with the king-high and the board completed with the {6-Hearts} on the turn and the {j-Diamonds} on the river. The dealer quickly counted the opponent's chips and discovered that Granados had him covered, sending him to the rails.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Freddy Granados cr
Freddy Granados

Affleck Gets Called

Nível 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

With 5,000 in the pot on a flop reading {10-Spades}{8-Spades}{4-Spades}, Matt Affleck was out of position facing a bet of 2,500.

He called to see the turn, which came a {10-Diamonds} and the action checked through.

The river was the {2-Hearts} and Affleck bet 1,300. His opponent snap-called and Affleck turned over {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}, which was no good against {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Matt Affleck us
Matt Affleck

Nível: 5

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

Salla Makes a Good Call

Nível 4 : 300/600, 600 ante

We picked up the action on the flop of {4-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} with only two players in the pot, which was roughly 3,500. The big blind checked to Guru Salla, who was under-the-gun, and he fired out a bet of 2,500. The bet was called, and the turn brought the {7-Diamonds}. This time both players checked.

The {10-Clubs} landed on the river, and the big blind led for 8,300. After some deliberation, Salla threw in a chip to make the call. Salla tabled the {a-Spades}{k-Hearts} before his opponent's cards hit the muck face down.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Guru Salla
Guru Salla