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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #46: $50,000 Poker Players' Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
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0 / 0

Big Slick Does the Yockey

Nível 12

No-Limit Hold'em

A short-stacked Bryce Yockey moved all in for 43,500 under the gun and Jonathan Duhamel looked him up from the small blind.

Yockey: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Duhamel: {a-Hearts}{10-Spades}

Yockey was out in front with his king kicker, and the {9-Hearts}{4-Spades}{j-Diamonds} flop didn't threaten him too much. The {Q-Diamonds} turn was cause for concern, as Duhamel picked up an open-ended straight draw, but the {Q-Spades} river failed to complete it. Ship the double to Yockey.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jonathan Duhamel ca
Jonathan Duhamel
WSOP 3X Winner
Bryce Yockey us
Bryce Yockey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Bryce YockeyJonathan Duhamel

More for Brunson

Nível 12


Doyle Brunson's mounted quite a comeback in the last level, as he's back up to 190,000 chips. On seventh street, Brunson bet and Chris Klodnicki tanked for quite awhile before making the call.

Brunson: {X-}{X-} / {4-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} / {X-}
Klodnicki: {X-}{X-} / {2-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{4-Clubs} / {X-}

Brunson turned over {9-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and with three of a kind fours, he took down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Chris Klodnicki us
Chris Klodnicki
WSOP 2X Winner
Doyle Brunson us
Doyle Brunson
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Chris KlodnickiDoyle Brunson

Deeb's Cadillac Stalls

Nível 12
Shaun Deeb (Day 2)
Shaun Deeb (Day 2)

No-Limit Hold'em

Shaun Deeb has just lost five consecutive hands of no-limit hold'em, dropping his stack to 300,000 chips.

Hand #1: Robert Mizrachi led out for 45,000 on a flop of {7-Spades}{6-Hearts}{4-Spades}, Shaun Deeb called, and the turn was the {9-Diamonds}. Mizrachi fired out another 75,500 - leaving 65,000 or so behind - and Deeb tank-folded.

Hand #2: Melissa Burr raised to 10,500 on the button, and Deeb defended in the big blind. The flop was {a-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and Deeb check-folded to a bet of 18,500.

Hand #3: John Monnette raised to 9,500 from under the gun, Mizrachi three-bet to 26,500 on the button, and Deeb cold four-bet to 63,000 out of the big blind. Monnette folded, Mizrachi called, and the flop fell {k-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. Deeb checked, Mizrachi bet 23,500, and Deeb folded.

Hand #4: Mizrachi raised to 8,500 out of the cutoff, Deeb called on the button, and Monnette called out of the big blind. Monnette led out for 15,500 on a flop of {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{5-Clubs}, only Deeb called, and the turn was the {4-Hearts}. Deeb called a bet of 33,000, and Monnette fired out yet another 33,000 on the river ({10-Diamonds}). Deeb snap-called, showing {7-Hearts}{7-Spades} for a set of sevens, but Monnette had him beat with {6-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for a flush.

Hand #5 Deeb raised in the cutoff, Jesse Martin defended his big blind, and the dealer spread {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{8-Clubs}. Martin check-called a bet of 10,000, both players checked on the turn ({j-Spades}), and the {4-Diamonds} completed the board. Martin led out for 28,000, Deeb called, and Martin won the pot with {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts} for a pair of jacks.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jesse Martin us
Jesse Martin
WSOP 2X Winner
John Monnette us
John Monnette
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Robert Mizrachi us
Robert Mizrachi
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Melissa Burr us
Melissa Burr

Tags: Shaun DeebRobert MizrachiMelissa BurrJohn MonnetteJesse Martin

Diamonds are Mercier's Best Friend

Nível 12


Hastings: {x-}{x-} / {Q-Hearts}{9-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}fold
Mercier: {x-}{x-} / {5-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}

Brian Hastings completed with the {Q-Hearts} showing and Jason Mercier made it two bets with the {5-Diamonds}. Action folded back Hastings and he called. Mercier pulled the {A-Diamonds} on fourth and had first action. He led out with a bet and Hastings called. On fifth, Hastings paired his queens and led out. Mercier came over the top and Hastsings called.

Sixth street saw Mercier pull a fourth diamond, eliciting a check from Hastings. Mercier fired again and Hastings thought for about 30 seconds before picking up his cards and dropping them in the muck. Mercier picked up the pot and now has about 845,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Brian HastingsJason Mercier

Two Pair for Shack-Harris

Nível 12


On sixth street, Brandon Shack-Harris bet and David Benyamine called. Seventh was dealt face down and Benyamine called another bet.

Shack-Harris: {X-}{X-} / {9-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{4-Spades} / {X-}
Benyamine: {X-}{X-} / {5-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Spades} / {X-}

Shack-Harris turned over {K-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and announced he had two pair, which made Benyamine throw his cards into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Brandon Shack-Harris us
Brandon Shack-Harris
WSOP 2X Winner
David Benyamine fr
David Benyamine
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Brandon Shack-HarrisDavid Benyamine

Ivey Over Bloch

Nível 12


Bloch: {x-}{x-} / {Q-}{4-}{2-}{7-} / {x-}
Ivey: {x-}{x-} / {2-}{4-}{9-}{7-} / {x-}

Picking up with the action on fourth, Phil Ivey led out with a bet and Andy Bloch called with queen-four showing. Ivey kept the first action on fifth and continued out with another bet. Bloch stuck around and both players pulled sevens on sixth. Ivey led once again and Bloch tossed out a call.

Ivey fired one final bet on seventh street and Bloch called to see a showdown. Ivey rolled over {A-}{4-}{3-} for a winning seven-low. Bloch mucked his hand and Ivey was pushed the pot. He's now sitting around 325,000 while Bloch has dropped to around 420,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Andy Bloch us
Andy Bloch
WSOP 1X Winner
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Andy BlochPhil Ivey

Nível: 13

Triple Draw 2-7 Hold’em - Omaha/8B - 5,000 10,000 10,000-20,000
Razz – Stud - Stud/8B 2,000 3,000 10,000 10,000-20,000
No-Limit Hold’em – PLO (No Ante) 1,500 2,500 5,000 -

PokerNews Impromptu: Is Brandon Shack-Harris Chasing the WSOP POY?

Nível 13

Brandon Shack-Harris is having a heck of a 2014 World Series of Poker. He won his first gold bracelet, final tabled a couple of other events, and finds himself in the race for WSOP Player of the Year. Oh, and he's doing well in the $50,000 Poker Players' Championship.

Tags: PokerNews ImpromptuBrandon Shack-Harrisaudio