Andy Phan opened for 40,000 from the button and Matt Salsberg defended his big blind. Both players checked the flop, and then Salsberg led out for 45,000 on the turn. Phan called and then bet 100,000 when Salsberg checked the river.
Salsberg called with the for a pair of jacks, and it was good as Phan held the .
A short-stacked David "Raptor" Benefield moved all in for 153,000 from early position and Justin Oliver called. The rest of the field folded and the cards were turned up.
Benefield was behind and in need of some help, and he got a little on the flop, which gave him an open-ended straight draw. The turn actually gave him the lead with kings, and although the river gave Oliver two pair, it gave Benefield the aforementioned straight.
Sam Cohen opened to 50,000 from early position, Andy Phan called on the button and the flop fell .
Cohen continued for 78,000, Phan raised to 200,000, Cohen reraised to about 430,000 and Phan reraised all in with the bigger stack. Cohen gave it some thought, but ultimately folded.
Jamie Armstrong opened for 50,000 from early position and Sam Cohen defended from the big blind. Cohen then check-called a bet of 50,000 on the flop before checking the turn. Armstrong kept the pressure on with a bet of 100,000, Cohen called, and the completed the board on the river.
Cohen checked for a third time but called when Armstrong bet 250,000. Cohen flatted with her full house, and it's a good thing she did as it was no good. Armstrong rolled over the .
Action has slowed to a crawl as of late. It seemed all ten players are intent on making the final table. Unfortunately one of them won't, and it's only a matter of time before we learn who it will be.