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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #22: $10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship
Dias: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
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The Razz Heater For Negreanu

Nível 19


"I'm so good at Razz!" Daniel Negreanu joked, as he recalled his 10th place finish in the $10,000 Razz Championship.

Negreanu has been on quite the heater as of late and he just won four pots in a row against Richard Sklar.

On the final hand of Razz it was Sklarr who had the bring in and Negreanu completed. When the action got to Sklar he said, "Please let me have two little ones so we can go at it!"

Sklar slammed his chips into the pot after looking at his down cards, and the banter continued as Negreanu said he was going to get the small cards. On fourth Sklar bet and Negreanu called, on fifth the tables turned and Sklar gave up with Negreanu bet.

Sklar has lost some chips but is still very much alive with 28 players in the tournament.

Negreanu: {X-}{X-} / {7-}{Q-}{9-}
Sklar: {X-}{X-} / {J-}{4-}{Q-} --fold

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Richard Sklar us
Richard Sklar

Tags: Daniel NegreanuRichard Sklar

Hang Busts Barlow

Nível 19


Hang: {x-}{8-Diamonds} / {10-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{8-Hearts}{A-Clubs} / {j-Diamonds}
Barlow: {k-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} / {K-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} / {3-Clubs}

Tommy Hang limped and Todd Barlow completed. Action folded back around to Hang and he called. Barlow led out with another bet on fourth and Hang called. Hang was first to act on fifth street and he bet out. Barlow came over the top with a raise and Hang quickly made it three bets to go. Barlow thought for a moment before announcing a four-bet. Hang capped it and Barlow called all in for less. Barlow showed kings and sevens but was dejected to find Hang held trip eights.

Neither player improved on the following streets, allowing Hang's trips to score the elimination. Barlow exited the tournament area and Hang dragged in a pot that brings him up to 285,000 in chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Tommy Hang us
Tommy Hang
Todd Barlow us
Todd Barlow

Tags: Todd BarlowTommy Hang

Pescatori Busts Rybachenko

Nível 19


Sergey Rybachenko's tournament has come to an end in 28th place. Despite having a very live squeeze for the win on seventh street, Rybachenko bricked and was eliminated.

Rybachenko: {X-}{X-} / {6-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{10-Spades} / {X-}
Max Pescatori: {X-}{X-} / {2-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{3-Spades} / {X-}
Justin Bonomo: {X-}{X-} / {Q-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{J-Spades}fold

Picking up the action on fifth street, Bonomo checked, and Rybachenko bet. Pescatori called, then Bonomo folded. On sixth street, Rybachenko bet and Pescatori called. Then on seventh, Rybachenko bet 16,000 with just 15,000 behind. Pescatori squeezed, then raised to put Rybachenko all in. Rybachenko called, but still needed to look at his final card.

Pescatori showed the {A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for an ace-high flush. Rybachenko showed the {A-Diamonds}{A-Spades} for two pair, aces and tens, but he was drawing to a better flush than Pescatori or a full house in order to double up. His final card was the {7-Hearts}, and Rybachenko was eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Max Pescatori it
Max Pescatori
WSOP 4X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Sergey Rybachenko ru
Sergey Rybachenko

Tags: Justin BonomoMax PescatoriSergey Rybachenko

Lisandro Struggling

Nível 19

Stud 8

Things have not been going Jeff Lisandro's way as of late and we just saw him lose another big pot. On fifth street it was Lee Goldman who bet and Lisandro called, and Goldman continued to fire on sixth and seventh. Lisandro looked down at his cards on seventh and opted to fold, leaving himself with 74,000 chips.

Lisandro: {X-}{X-} / {A-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} / {X-}fold
Goldman: {X-}{X-} / {A-Clubs}{7-Spades}{6-Hearts}{A-Spades} / {X-}

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Lee Goldman us
Lee Goldman
Jeff Lisandro au
Jeff Lisandro
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Jeffrey LisandroLee Goldman

Madsen Scoops One

Nível 19

Omaha 8

On the button, Sergey Altbregin raised. Jeff Madsen made the call from the big blind, and the flop came down {Q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}. Both players checked. The turn was the {10-Clubs}, and Madsen led with a bet. Altbregin called.

After the {5-Clubs} completed the board on the river, Madsen bet again. Altbregin called, but couldn't beat the {Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs} that Madsen showed for a flush.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sergey Altbregin ru
Sergey Altbregin
Jeff Madsen us
Jeff Madsen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Jeff MadsenSergei Altbregin

Ohel Scoops

Nível 19

Omaha 8

The board read {3-Spades}{8-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{2-Spades} and three players including Ben Yu, Daniel Negreanu, and Randy Ohel were engaged in the hand. Yu checked over to Negreanu who fired out a bet. Ohel raised from the button and Yu tossed out a call. Negreanu came along as well.

The river was the {J-Spades}, putting three spades out on the board. Yu and Negreanu checked over to Ohel who cut out one final bet. Yu called and Negreanu let out a sigh before tossing out a call as well.

"Nut-nut," said Ohel, rolling over {A-Spades}{4-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{6-Spades} for the ace-high flush and the nut low.

Yu and Negreanu mucked their hands and the Ohel was awarded the entire pot. He's now up to about 575,000 in chips while Yu has dropped to 160,000 and Negreanu to 130,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Randy Ohel us
Randy Ohel
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Daniel NegreanuRandy OhelBen Yu

A-Game from David Benyamine

Nível 19

Omaha 8

From early position, David Benyamine limped in. Jeff Madsen called from the small blind, and Mark Gregorich checked his option in the big blind to see the flop come down {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. Madsen checked, and Gregorich bet. Benyamine called, and Madsen folded.

On the {K-Spades} turn and {A-Hearts} river, both players checked each time.

"Tens," said Gregorich.

Benyamine signaled that it was good, and Gregorich showed {10-}{10-}{8-}{3-}. Benyamine mucked, and Gregorich won the pot.

"What the f***," said Greg Mueller from across the table, shaking his head. "David's playing his A-game today."

Tags: David BenyamineGreg MuellerJeff Madsen

Nível: 20

Hold'em - Omaha 8 5,000/10,000 blinds 10,000-20,000 limits
Razz - Stud - Stud 8 2,000 ante 3,000 BI 10,000-20,000 limits