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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #1: $500 Casino Employees No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 1
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
20,000 / 40,000

Eric Mink Finds Aces

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Preflop, Eric Mink raised to 2,200 and then called the three-bet of an opponent to 5.975. He then set the trap on a {6-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} flop and got the opponent to run with the {A-}{K-} into his {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs}. Neither the {10-Spades} turn nor the {8-Diamonds} river changed anything and Mink doubled up for 11,550 post flop. His opponent was crippled and out one hand later.

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Eric Mink
Eric Mink

Tags: Eric Mink

Taylor In Slippery Mode

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

There is a funny Youtube video that describes how to play pocket jacks, the hero in the video however loses every single time no matter how he plays it. John Taylor three-bet shoved into an opponent and had him at risk for the last 8.250 with the {J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}.

It was a flip against the {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} and Taylor might have jinxed it with standing up before the flop was dealt. The board then ran out {4-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and Taylor dropped about one fourth of his stack.

Tags: John Taylor

Alba Calls in Sick

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

With action on the turn two players had now reached the river of a board showing {9-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{6-Spades}{2-Spades}. Facing a bet of 2,000 Peter Alba raised it up to 5,000 after some brief thought. His opponent announced all in and Alba quickly made the call turning over {q-Hearts}{9-Hearts}. The dealer insisited both hands be turned over and Alba was jubilant when he saw his top pair was good against the {a-Spades}{k-Clubs} of his felted opponent.

“Guy bluffed me again! What a great call.” Alba congratulated himself. “I am sick. Induce bluffs all day.” The adrenaline was coursing through Alba’s body as he struggled to stack his newly won chips neatly.

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Peter Alba us
Peter Alba

Tags: Peter Alba

Pack Yo-Yos Early in Level

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante
John Pack
John Pack

Right after chipping up early on, John Pack called an under-the-gun all-in bet of 3,600 from late position. His {8-}{6-} was behind the {a-}{7-} of his opponent and then ahead after the flop came {2-}{6-}{4-}. However, the board ran out {3-}{5-}, putting a straight on the board.

Pack's opponent had the seven for a higher straight and doubled up. Pack is now right about where he started the level.

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John Pack
John Pack

Tags: John Pack

Pitt Stays Alive For Now

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Down to only 2,250 chips, Matthew Pitt moved all in from early position with the {J-Spades}{7-Spades}. Two seats over, a slightly bigger stacked player jokingly "raised to 1 million" and the rest of the table folded.

He only had one over card against {9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} but that was enough for the PokerNews blogger on the {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} board. "Now I have a monster stack," he said with a smirk on the face.

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Matthew Pitt
Matthew Pitt

Tags: Matthew Pitt

Greetings From Eiffel65

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

The most well known song from Eiffel65 was "Blue" and that's all we got left here on Day 1 of the Employees Event. All other three areas are now completely empty and only blue tables remain. In fact, table 19 has already been broken as well and we are down to 162 players.

We pretty much lost 30 players in the 30 minutes after returning from the dinner break. At this pace we may have the final table before the end of level 11.

Dembowski Distraught

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Jason Dembowski moved all in and it was folded around to the small blind James Lambert who hadn’t seen the shove and announced, “Raise.” The floor was called and it was ruled that it had to be a min-raise. He didn’t have enough for that so he too was all in and the at risk player with his last 4,700 chips.

Dembowski tabled {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} versus the {k-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} of Lambert. The cards ran out {5-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and Lambert spiked a pair to double up.

Lambert was given a one hand penalty for the mistake and a visibly distraught Dembowski was crippled and all in next hand for his last 1,400 with {a-Spades}{6-Diamonds} getting called by a bigger stack with {j-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}.

He doubled up as the cards ran out {q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} but had suffered a lot of damage to his stack.

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James Lambert
James Lambert
Jason Dembowski
Jason Dembowski

Tags: Jason DembowskiJames Lambert