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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $10,000 Main Event
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
1,200,000 / 2,400,000

Rousso Busts Shorty

Vanessa Rousso
Vanessa Rousso

A super short-stacked player was all in for 9,000 from early position and Vanessa Rousso raised to 15,000 as the next to act. Everyone else folded and the players showed their hands.

Rousso: {A-Hearts}{10-Clubs}
Opponent: {10-Hearts}{4-Hearts}

Rousso was in dominant position for the knockout and did just that as the board rolled out {K-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} to give her the small pot which brought her closer to the million chip mark.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vanessa Rousso us
Vanessa Rousso

Tags: Vanessa Rousso

Appleman Down

Nível 17 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Four-time WSOP bracelet winner Mickey Appleman has been eliminated. Down to about 100,000, Appleman committed the last of his stack before the flop with {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}, but unfortunately for him had run smack into Sorel Mizzi's {A-Diamonds}{A-Spades}.

The five community cards came {10-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{2-Spades} and Appleman remained sitting in his seat for a few extra seconds before finally departing. Mizzi meanwhile moves up to 535,000.

Tags: Mickey ApplemanSorel Mizzi

Exclusive PokerNews Main Event!

Nível 17 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

PokerStars and PokerNews are excited to announce the Exclusive PokerNews Main Event! - $20,000 added tournament.

This tournament takes place on July 17 at 1400 EST.

It has a $10+$1 buy-in, and $20,000 has been added to the prize pool. The structure is very deep: 30,000 starting chips, 15-minute blinds and the levels begin at 50-100.

This tournament is open to all PokerStars players, no matter whether they signed up through PokerNews or not. The only way to play in this tournament is with the password, which will be released at random times during our World Series of Poker Main Event Live Reporting.

If you do not have a PokerStars account, make sure you do sign up through PokerNews and use marketing code “POKERNEWS.COM”. This will ensure your eligibility in any future PokerNews-exclusive promotions, as well as getting you a 100%-up-to-$600 deposit bonus.

Tournament Specifics:

Name: Exclusive PokerNews Main Event
Date: July 17, 2011, starting at 2:00 PM EST
Game: NLH Freezout (password protected) ID#413428486
Buyin: $10+1
Prize: $20,000 added
Structure: starting @ 50-100, 15-min blinds
Starting stack: 30,000 chips
Password: PNLIVE
Payout: standard
Late reg: 120 mins

Tags: PokerNews Main EventPokerStars


Nível 17 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

With the post-bubble action moving at ludicrous speed up until the last break, only 659 players returned upon the resumption of play. Naturally, that means we've got a few people here at the Rio who have been paid out, so if you want to see their name in lights, all you need to do is click here.

Negreanu Two Outed

Daniel Negreanu opened the action to 13,500 from the cutoff and the player on the button moved all in. The big blind tanked before folding and Negreanu made the call.

Negreanu: {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Opponent: {K-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}

The player in the big blind announced the he folded {A-}{J-}, which left Negreanu's opponent looking for one of the two remaining jacks.

"It's always so scary," Negreanu said as he waited for the ESPN cameras to arrive. "I can't do anything anymore."

Negreanu was ahead going to the flop but experienced heartbreak when it fell {6-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{2-Hearts}. Negreanu turned on himself and let out a small but obviously frustrated "Dah!".

"This world series has been so rough," Negreanu said as the {8-Diamonds} peeled off on the turn.

Negreanu would need an ace to win the hand, and unfortunately for him the river brought the {5-Clubs}, awarding his opponent the pot and knocking him down to about 35,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Daniel Negreanu

Bartender, Give Me a JRB and Make It a Double!

Nível 17 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Jean-Robert Bellande
Jean-Robert Bellande

Action folded to the player in the hijack seat and he raised to 13,000. Jean-Robert Bellande, who finished in 78th place last year for $94,942, reraised all in from the small blind for 80,500. The big blind folded and then the hijack made the call.

Bellande tabled the {Q-Spades}{4-Spades} after making a move. His opponent held the {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} and Bellande acknowledged the good call he made.

Just as the dealer went to start dealing out the board, Bellande, who is sitting in the nine seat, put his arm in front of the dealer and said, "Wait, you're going to have to wait for the cameras. They're going to want to get this one."

The dealer announced the all in and then Bellande said to the camera crew that looked in the table's direction, "I'm all in!" After that, the crew rushed to the scene.

The dealer first dealt the flop and it came down {Q-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}, giving Bellande the lead with two pair. The turn brought a sweat with the {5-Clubs} and Bellande mentioned that he couldn't get excited just yet. The river landed with the {10-Hearts} and Bellande gave a few subtle fist pumps in celebration as he's back to about 170,000 now.

Tags: Jean-Robert Bellande

Barnstorming Performance

Sam Barnhart
Sam Barnhart

Eric Ladny was all in preflop for about 200,000 against the chipped up Sam Barnhart in a 'classic coinflip' situation.

Ladny: {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Barnhart: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}

The board was as bricky as an abandoned Las Vegas construction site, filled with trash as it came {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} - Barnhart's ladies were still good and he's now over the 1.5 million mark.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sam Barnhart us
Sam Barnhart
Eric Ladny us
Eric Ladny

Tags: Eric LadnySam Barnhart.

Rousso Breaks a Million

Vanessa Rousso can do no wrong today, it seems.

We caught up with Rousso in a recent hand on a flop of {6-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}. Rousso checked from the big and her lone opponent bet 20,000 from the button. Rousso then check-raised to 75,000 and her opponent made the call.

The turn brought a {9-Clubs} and Rousso cut out a bet to 100,000 and slid it into the middle. Her opponent thought for a bit, but eventually folded.

Rousso is now just over 1,000,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Vanessa Rousso us
Vanessa Rousso

Tags: Vanessa Rousso

Kabrhel Folds the River to Gates

From the hijack seat, Martin Kabrhel raised to 12,500. Garry "Beast Mode" Gates was in the big blind on this hand and made the call to give Kabrhel some action. The two players then saw the flop come down {A-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}. Gates was first and checked. Kabrhel stayed aggressive with a continuation bet of 16,000. Gates made the call.

The turn went check, check after the {9-Clubs} landed and then the dealer completed the board with the {J-Spades}. Gates led for 33,000 after thinking for a little bit and Kabrhel folded his hand.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Garry Gates us
Garry Gates
Martin Kabrhel cz
Martin Kabrhel
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Martin KabrhelGarry Gates

Bump it Up!

Nível 17 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

"Your attention please, players," came the announcement over the PA. "Congratulations, you've all just scored a $1,900 raise!"

It's official - we're now in the first payjump on the payout schedule! From this point, each player is guaranteed $21,295. Here's just a snapshot of those to have collected from the cage already - all of these players have earned $19,359 for their efforts.

622Andrea VezzaniItaly
623Andrew JunglenUnited States
633Shannon ShorrUnited States
647Jake CodyUnited Kingdom
652Brian PowellUnited States
654Mickey ApplemanUnited States
662Pim de GoedeNetherlands
664Philip MeulyzerBelgium
683Kenny NguyenUnited States

For the full payout list, click here.