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2023 PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold'em Championship

2023 PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Dias: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold'em Championship

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
400,000 / 800,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1
Jogadores Restantes

Fernandez Runs Into a Flush

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Matthew Zarcadoolas raised it up from the hijack and was called by Mihails Morozovs on the button and Sergio Fernandez in the small blind. The flop came {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{5-Spades} and the action checked around to the {7-Hearts} on the turn.

Fernandez led out with a bet of 3,500 and was called by both of his opponents. The river was the {k-Spades} and Fernandez splashed in a bet of 11,200. Zarcadoolas laid his hand down but Morozovs quickly called. Fernandez tabled {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds} for a set of sevens but Morozovs held {j-Hearts}{8-Hearts} for a flush.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs
Sergio Fernandez es
Sergio Fernandez

Tags: Matthew ZarcadoolasMihails MorozovsSergio Fernandez

Costabile Takes From Saout

Nível 5 : 300/600, 600 ante

David Costabile raised to 1,300 from late position and Antoine Saout called from the big blind. The flop was {a-Spades}{q-Spades}{8-Clubs}.

Saout check-called when Costabile tossed out 1,500. The turn was {q-Diamonds}.

Both players checked the turn and the {9-Spades} river before the cards came up. Costabile showed {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} to take the pot while Saout tossed {a-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} in the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Antoine Saout fr
Antoine Saout
David Costabile us
David Costabile

Tags: Antoine SaoutDavid Costabile

De Goede Chips Up With Top Pair

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Andrew Graham raised to 1,200 from under the gun and was called by Taco de Goede in early position and Florencio Campomanes on the button. Scott Brown came along in the big blind.

The flop came {a-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{4-Spades} and action checked through.

The {10-Clubs} came on the turn and Graham bet 3,000. Only De Goede called.

The river was the {7-Clubs} and Graham bet 3,000. De Goede called. Graham said "You're good" as De Goede tabled {a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} for top pair to take down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Andrew Graham us
Andrew Graham
Taco de Goede nl
Taco de Goede

Tags: Andrew GrahamFlorencio CampomanesScott BrownTaco De Goede

Wife Thought Rakesh Ramdial's ONCOOP Platinum Pass was a Scam!

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Rakesh Ramdial
Rakesh Ramdial

The PokerStars Players NLH Hold’em Championship (PSPC) is underway, and one man in attendance here in the Bahamas is Rakesh Ramdial, the winner of PokerStars’ ONCOOP (Ontario Championship Of Online Poker) Prize Draw, which awarded him a Platinum Pass package, worth $30,000.

PokerNews recently had the opportunity to chat with Ramdial prior to the PSPC.

PokerNews: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Rakesh Ramdial: I am 36 years old from Brampton Ontario, Canada. I am married with one child and another on the way. I am a certified Forklift Operator.

PN: Is it true that when you received the news that you’d won, both you and your wife thought it was a scam at first and didn’t believe it?

RR: Yes, at first we both didn’t believe it was real until I did some google searches on the PSPC and quickly found out that it’s legit.

Rakesh Ramdial
Rakesh Ramdial

PN: When and how did you learn to play poker?

RR: I started playing in my early 20s with some friends. Small tourneys like $10 buy-ins. I learned how to play from watching Poker After Dark on TV.

PN: What inspired you to join PokerStars?

RR: I just wanted to play without going to a casino, so when I learned about online poker, I just felt like I had to try it out.

PN: Is this your first live tournament? What does this opportunity mean to you?

RR: This is my first live tournament and this opportunity to play against the best in the world means a lot. I am by no means anywhere near some of these players’ level, so just being there soaking it all up for the experience is good for me. Plus, I get a free trip to the Bahamas!

PN: What’s your proudest poker accomplishment to date?

RR: I finished second in the Midnight Lightning for $800. That’s my biggest cash ever. So if I cash the PSPC, that will be amazing.

PN: Aside from maybe winning, what are you most looking forward to about your upcoming PSPC stop? Any poker pros you would like to meet? If so, why would you like to meet them?

RR: Just going to try and learn as much as I can from whomever I can. I remember watching Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, (Phil) Ivey, Tom Dwan back in the day when Poker After Dark first came out, so if I see any of those guys that would be pretty cool.

PN: Will any friends or family be joining you in the Bahamas?

RR: Yes, my wife Ria and my daughter Malia will be coming with me.

Click here for more on Rakesh Ramdial's story!

Tags: Rakesh Ramdial

Jacobson Puts Dzivielevski to the Test

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Martin Jacobson
Martin Jacobson

Martin Jacobson opened to 1,500 from the button before Yuri Dzivielevski made it 5,500 from the small blind. Jacobson responded by four-betting to 12,500 and was called.

The {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts} flop checked through to the {3-Clubs} turn. Dzivielevski check-called for 6,500, leaving around 13,500 behind.

Dzivielevski checked for a third time on the {9-Diamonds} river. Jacobson put his opponent all in but took in the pot after Dzivielevski folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Martin JacobsonYuri Dzivielevski

Addamo Makes Bardauskas Show

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Michael Addamo opened to 1,200 in middle position and Olga Iermolcheva flat-called from the next seat, while Aivaras Bardauskas also called from the big blind.

All three players checked on the {3-Hearts}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs} flop and Bardauskas led out for 2,000 on the {5-Spades} turn. Addamo called and Iermolcheva folded.

Bardauskas then checked on the {3-Clubs} river and Addamo checked back. Bardauskas announced he had ace-high but Addamo wanted to see it. The Lithuanian tabled {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} and Addamo then showed {k-Hearts}{6-Hearts} to win the pot with a pair of sixes.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Michael Addamo au
Michael Addamo
WSOP 4X Winner
Aivaras Bardauskas lt
Aivaras Bardauskas
Olga Iermolcheva ua
Olga Iermolcheva

Tags: Aivaras BardauskasMichael AddamoOlga Iermolcheva

Straight for Affleck

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was caught on the turn with the {7-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{j-Spades} board on show. Matt Affleck checked in the big blind. Boris Kolev and Michael Mirallez did the same from middle position and the cutoff respectively.

On the {8-} river, Affleck led out for 1,600. Only Mirallez called and he mucked after seeing Affleck had a straight with his {k-Spades}{6-Hearts}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Matt Affleck us
Matt Affleck
Michael Mirallez fr
Michael Mirallez

Tags: Matt AffleckMichael Mirallez

Vrakas Shoves the River

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Georgios Vrakas and Vladas Tamasauskas were heads up to the turn of a board showing {8-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{3-Spades}. Vrakas checked to Tamasauskas, who fired 13,500.

Vrakas then announced all-in, betting enough to force Tamasauskas to a decision for the rest of his stack. Tamasauskas took some time and counted out his chips before ultimately folding, as Vrakas took down a sizeable pot.

Tags: Georgios VrakasVladas Tamasauskas