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2016 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€50,000 Single-Day Super High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2016 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
200,000 / 400,000

Battle of the Greats End in Chopped Pot

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

There's only high rollers in this tournament of course, but Table 1 is a bit different because it consists mostly of online cash game players. It was the table Patrik Antonius was on before he busted, and Isaac Haxton and Dan Cates also called Table 1 home for most of the day.

There's two more online high stakes players active at the table, and they just clashed in a small pot. We picked up the action a flop of {5-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{5-Spades} as Timofey "Trueteller" Kuznetsov check called a 12,000 from the big blind. It was Mikita "fish2013" Badziakouski doing the betting, and would continue to do so. On the turn Kuznetsov check called 30,000 on the {2-Spades} turn, and he check called another 70,000 on the {3-Hearts} river.

Badziakouski showed {4-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} for the rivered straight, but he had to chop it with his high stakes colleague as Kuznetsov revealed {A-Clubs}{4-Spades}.

Tags: Mikita BadziakouskiTimofey Kuznetsov

The Fast and Furios

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Erik Seidel's comeback would not last long and Dominik Nitsche as well as Tobias Reinkemeier followed shortly after.

Nitsche shoved the cutoff for just 90,000 with {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and was called by Timothy Adams from one seat over with ace-jack according to Fedor Holz. The German also confirmed what happened to his fellow German Reinkemeier, who shipped with deuces and failed to win the flip against the {A-}{K-} of Anthony Zinno.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
Anthony Zinno us
Anthony Zinno
$25K Fantasy
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
$25K Fantasy
Poker Hall of Famer
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier

Tags: Anthony ZinnoDominik NitscheErik SeidelFedor HolzTimothy AdamsTobias Reinkemeier

Silver left Short after Vogelsang Double

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Byron Kaverman raised to 18,000 and Max Silver as well as Murad Akhundov in the small blind called. Christoph Vogelsang then moved all in from the big blind for 146,500 and Kaverman folded. Silver reshoved to isolate successfully and they turned over their cards.

Silver: {K-Spades}{Q-Clubs}
Vogelsang: {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}

The flop fell {K-Clubs}{7-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and the {10-Clubs} turn spiced up things. Silver pointed towards his queen and joked "no royal flush", but he surely didn't like the {8-Clubs} river either that gave Vogelsang a flush and left him short.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Christoph Vogelsang de
Christoph Vogelsang
Max Silver gb
Max Silver

Tags: Byron KavermanChristoph VogelsangMax SilverMurad Akhundov

Petrangelo is Done

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

Nick Petrangelo was already down to his last couple of his chips when he got it in on a flop of {4-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{10-Spades} holding {A-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Andrew Pantling would be the done doing the dirty work with his {10-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. The {3-Diamonds} on the turn and {3-Clubs} on the river were blanks and Petrangelo made his exit.

Two tables over we saw Hady El Asmar get up and leave as well, though we missed the details of his bust out.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Andrew Pantling ca
Andrew Pantling
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
Hady El Asmar lb
Hady El Asmar

Tags: Andrew PantlingHady El AsmarNick Petrangelo

Luca Busts to Kenney

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Bryn Kenney raised from under the gun and picked up one caller before Ivan Luca shoved the big blind for 78,500. Only Kenney looked up the Argentinian and Luca was in bad shape with pocket nines against the {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} of Kenney.

The board ran out {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{4-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Luca was gone. Shortly after, Sergey Lebedev raised to 17,000 and then folded to the shove of Mohsin Charania from one seat over.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
Mohsin Charania us
Mohsin Charania
EPT 1X Winner
Ivan Luca ar
Ivan Luca

Tags: Bryn KenneyIvan LucaMohsin CharaniaSergey Lebedev

O'Dwyer Gets Some More

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

The pots are getting bigger and the last one went to Steve O'Dwyer. Gerard Pique had defended his big blind and then let go on the {Q-Hearts}{9-Spades}{8-Spades} flop. Steve O'Dwyer (small blind) and Mike Watson (button) then checked the {5-Clubs} turn before O'Dwyer check-called the {Q-Clubs} river for 90,000 and scooped the pot with {K-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Gerard Pique es
Gerard Pique

Tags: Gerard PiqueMike WatsonSteve O'Dwyer

Pantling Doubles

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Ramin Hajiyev raised to 17,000 from the hijack and Andrew Pantling made the call from the big blind. Pantling then checked on {A-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}, and answered Hajiyev's 21,000 continuation bet with a check raise to 44,000. Hajiyev moved all in and Pantling instantly called for his last 133,500.

Ramin Hajiyev: {K-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Andrew Pantling: {A-Clubs}{3-Spades}

The {5-Spades} on the turn and {5-Hearts} on the river were both blanks and Pantling doubled.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Andrew Pantling ca
Andrew Pantling
Ramin Hajiyev az
Ramin Hajiyev

Tags: Andrew PantlingRamin Hajiyev


Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Another 15-minute break for the players. The 500 chips are being raced off, the 1,000-chips will be the lowest domination in play after the break.

Remko Report Episode #35: Ronnie Bardah Talks WSOP Record, Rough Youth, and More

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Ronnie Bardah joins Remko Rinkema in Australia to talk about Boston, growing up in tough surroundings, muay thai, his poker career, and more.

Check out more articles regarding Bardah below:

You can subscribe to the entire PokerNews Podcast Network on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here. The PokerNews family of podcasts is now available on Stitcher.

Tags: Ronnie BardahRemko RinkemaRemko ReportPokerNewsPodcast

€993,200 for the Winner

Nível 11 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

A total of 70 entries (62 uniques, 8 reentries) resulted in a prize pool of €3,395,700. The top 9 players will get in the money.
