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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Dias: 2c
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Remz Shows Koon the Big Bluff

Nível 9 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Sean Remz, pictured in a different event.
Sean Remz, pictured in a different event.

Facing an open and a three-bet from Sean Remz, who put in 6,500 in the cutoff, Jason Koon made it 18,500 in the small blind. The opener folded, but Remz moved all in. Koon got a count of 92,500.

"Why does this always have to happen?" he wondered aloud, muttering something about flipping for all of it. "You snap-shoved, so you probably don't have aces. I know you think I'm just f***ing around, too."

Koon thought for a couple of minutes and revealed the {k-Diamonds}.

"This is my lowest card," he said, folding the {a-Clubs} behind it.

Remz showed {k-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and dragged the pot, admitting he didn't think Koon had it.

"I thought I was playing like a huge nit all day," Koon said.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sean Remz us
Sean Remz
Jason Koon us
Jason Koon
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Jason KoonSean Remz

Nível: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 200

Time for Some Dinner

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Hughes

The third level of the day has been completed and with it comes a 90-minute dinner break. Play resumes at about 8:18 p.m.

Ryan Hughes has emerged as the new chip leader during the level, piling up a stack of around 485,000.

Some less fortunate, seeing their chip count hit zero, include 2013 World Champion Ryan Riess and 2000 Champion Chris Ferguson, along with Annette Obrestad, Max Steinberg, Bertrand Grospellier, Mike Sexton, Pete Chen, and Alex Luneau.

888poker ambassadors Sofia Lovgren and Natalie Hof are still in contention after both making massive hands.

While you eat, check out this video with Sarah Herring as she asks players to tell her a joke:

Tags: Alexandre LuneauBertrand GrospellierChris FergusonMax SteinbergMike SextonNatalie HofRyan HughesRyan Riess

Victor Choupeaux Eliminates Dave Lance Boat Over Boat

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

We walked up on the table as Victor Choupeaux had his {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds} tabled and Dave Lance's {K-Hearts}{K-Clubs} was also face up.

The board read {K-Spades}{2-Spades}{2-Hearts} {A-Clubs} {Q-Hearts}, and Lance was taking a photo before making his exit from the tournament area.

Choupeaux caught us up on what transpired. According to Choupeaux, he raised to 2,200 under the gun and Dave Lance min-raised in middle position. It folded back to Choupeaux and he made it 15,000. Lance called and he flopped kings full. Choupeaux checked, Lance bet 8,000, and Choupeaux called.

Both players checked the turn when Choupeaux made aces full, and on the river, Choupeaux moved all in. Lance called for his remaining stack of around 70,000 and saw the bad news. Lance was eliminated and the whole table seemed a bit in shock as Choupeaux collected the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Victor Choupeaux fr
Victor Choupeaux

Tags: Victor Choupeaux

A Few More Chip Counts From The Brasilia Room

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Grant Hinkle us
Grant Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner
Tom Cannuli us
Tom Cannuli
Jose Alastuby Aisa es
Jose Alastuby Aisa
Sheddy Siddiqui us
Sheddy Siddiqui
Cornel Cimpan us
Cornel Cimpan
Andrew Whitaker us
Andrew Whitaker
Kurt Jewell us
Kurt Jewell
Jeffrey Yarchever us
Jeffrey Yarchever
Valerie Ross ca
Valerie Ross
Gordon Vayo us
Gordon Vayo
Alex Venovski us
Alex Venovski

Cutler Binks on Francoeur for Huge Double at Featured Table

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

On a flop of {10-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}, Alan Cutler and Louise Francoeur got in a raising war that resulted in the former being all in for 82,900 and the latter putting Cutler at risk.

Cutler: {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades}
Francoeur: {k-Spades}{j-Hearts}

Francoeur had flopped the nuts, but the lead didn't last long as the {9-Clubs} paired the board right away, leading to a shout of celebration from Cutler. The meaningless river was an {a-Hearts}, and Cutler doubled through the table chip boss.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Alan Cutler us
Alan Cutler
Louise Francoeur ca
Louise Francoeur

Tags: Louise FrancoeurAlan Cutler

Coulier Gets a Count Down

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

The player in the under-the-gun position raised to 2,200. Arne Coulier in mid-position called and so did the players in the hijack and big blind.

The flop came {J-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and the big blind check-folded to the 5,500 bet of the player in the under-the-gun position. Coulier and the hijack called.

The turn was the {7-Diamonds}. The first player to act led out for 13,900, and Coulier and the hijack both called.

The {J-Clubs} completed the board on the river, the first player to act checked, and so did Coulier. The hijack, however, bet 25,000. The other player folded, so then Coulier was up.

"You bet so fast. You have got it, right? You seem very enthusiastic about your hand." Coulier said trying to get a reaction. "I have a super-amazing hand, but you'd never bluff here. You must have ace-ten of clubs here or something." Still no visible or audible response from his opponent. "I am not sure I want to fold here." "Does it feel comforting that I am not going to raise?" His opponent shrugged. "Imagine I have a flush, and I go all in, would that suck? Ace-ten would make so much sense here."

One of the other players called the clock and the dealer shouted out, "Floor! Clock on Table 10!"

The floor came over and gave Coulier 20 seconds and a 10-second countdown. On the count of one, Coulier folded, showing the {J-Spades}. His opponent showed the {A-Clubs}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Arne Coulier be
Arne Coulier

Tags: Arne Coulier

Ferguson Eliminated

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Chris Ferguson
Chris Ferguson

One of poker's most famous and most infamous has hit the rail from Table 712. Chris Ferguson's old seat was occupied by another player when we passed his table most recently, and his old tablemates filled us in on what happened.

Apparently, Ferguson and Jerome Evans saw a {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{2-} flop. Ferguson bet 5,000, Jerome Evans made it 17,000, and Ferguson put his stack of about 40,000 in with {a-}{k-}. Unfortunately for the 2000 WSOP Main Event champ, Evans had flopped a set of twos and had him way behind, with Ferguson unable to pull off the subsequent miracle to survive.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jerome Evans de
Jerome Evans
Chris Ferguson us
Chris Ferguson
Main Event Champion
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Chris FergusonJerome Evans

Jared Palmer Gets a Good Table Change

Nível 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Jared Palmer
Jared Palmer

In his very first hand after moving from Pavilion to Amazon Tan, Jared Palmer got involved in a big pot.

According to Palmer, he raised to 2,200 with {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}, the cutoff called, and the big blind made it 7,700. Palmer called and so did the cutoff.

The flop came {8-}{5-Hearts}{4-Hearts}, and the big blind led out for 20,000. Palmer called and the cutoff folded.

They were heads up to the {6-Hearts} turn, and the big blind moved all in for 70,000. Palmer called and saw his opponent table {J-Spades}{J-Clubs}.

Palmer was well in the lead, and the {A-Clubs} on the river changed nothing. Palmer eliminated his opponent and got a nice welcome to the table. He is now closing in on 400,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jared Palmer us
Jared Palmer

Tags: Jared Palmer