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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #77: $777 Lucky 7's
Dias: 1a
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
2,000,000 / 4,000,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1a
Jogadores Restantes

Nível: 17

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

Tanco Survives on the Bubble

Nível 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Action was joined with the chips already in the middle, as the all-in bet of 263,000 from big blind Daniel Tanco was called by a player in the hijack.

Daniel Tanco: AK
Hijack: KK

Tanco paired his ace on the 102A flop, and survived the Q turn and 6 river to double up and avoid being eliminated on the stone bubble.

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Daniel Tanco us
Daniel Tanco

Tags: Daniel Tanco

Duvall Doubles on the Bubble

Nível 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

A player in late position raised to 20,000 and Chris Duvall called on the button.

The two players saw a 699 flop and the late position player continued for 15,000, which Duvall called.

The late position player would then slow down on the turn 5 and check to Duvall, who bet 40,000, prompting the late position player to move all-in over the top, with Duvall making the call.

Chris Duvall: 66
Late Position Player: 98

It was Yhatzee on the flop for Duvall, but the full house was still vulnerable to a few outs.

However, the 7 on the river locked up the double and not only kept Duvall's tournament hopes alive but also guaranteed a minimum payout of $1,246, as the bubble burst on the same hand.

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Chris Duvall us
Chris Duvall

Tags: Chris Duvall

Lin Bursts Opponent to Cross the Bubble

Nível 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

The big blind player was all in preflop as he could not satisfy both his big blind and ante. Hua Wei Lin made the call from the button, and the small blind raised to 25,000. Lin called to the flop.

The flop came 59Q, as the preflop aggressor checked to Lin. She led out for 35,000 and received a call.

While the 8 peeled off on the river, the small blind checked. Lin continued for 50,000 and received another call.

The river was the 5, and the small blind once again checked. Lin jammed all in and received a quick fold from her opponent. After a tournament director came over to verify, Lin revealed 67 to beat her opponents Q3. All players now officially will make at least $1,246 for their effort today.

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Hua Wei Lin tw
Hua Wei Lin

Tags: Hua Wei Lin

Nível: 18

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 12,000

Siuta Asks to Run It Twice

Nível 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Erik Siuta
Erik Siuta

Preflop action opened with a player in the hijack raising to 26,000. He received two callers - a player in the small blind, and Erik Siuta from the big blind.

The flop came 5Q2. Action checked to the hijack, who pushed out a stack of 5,000-denomination chips. The small blind folded, and Siuta quickly moved all in for 344,000 before the hijack's bet could be counted. The hijack called instantly.

Erik Siuta: 52
Hijack: K10

"Want to run it twice?" asked Siuta to laughs from the table. The 6 turn and 8 river changed nothing, and Siuta found himself raking in a massive pot.

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Erik Siuta us
Erik Siuta

Tags: Erik Siuta

King Five to Survive, Lav Gets the Double

Nível 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Kimlong Lav moved his last 54,000 in the middle from early position and was called by a player in middle position.

The two would go heads-up, with Lav the player at risk.

Kimlong Lav: K5
Middle Position Player: A10

Lav would need to catch up to the ace-high of his opponent, and the 108K flop would do just that, propelling Lav into the lead.

However, he was still not out of the woods, as his opponent flopped a pair as well, and could still catch an ace or running straight cards for the win.

But he 7 turn and J river would give Lav the double and save him from elimination.

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Kimlong Lav us
Kimlong Lav

Tags: Kimlong Lav

Mandyam Wins With Aggression

Nível 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

With the flop showing JA4 and heads-up action checked to him by the small blind, Nick Mandyam bet 30,000 from the big blind. His opponent made the call.

Both players checked the 9 turn before Mandyam's opponent checked to him once more on the 7 river. Mandyam announced a bet of 75,000, to which his opponent folded.

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Nick Mandyam us
Nick Mandyam

Tags: Nick Mandyam