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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $2,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
250,000 / 500,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1
Jogadores Restantes

Rotman Wins At Showdown

Nível 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

A player in middle position raised to 2,200 and saw calls come from Omer Rotman in late position and the player in the big blind before all heading to a flop of JKJ.

Action checked through and all three players saw the A hit the turn. The middle position player checked and saw Rotman put in a bet of 3,500 behind him. The small blind folded and the middle position player called to see the 3 river.

Both players checked through to showdown and Rotman turned over the A8, prompting his opponent to send his cards in to the muck.

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Omer Rotman il
Omer Rotman

Tags: Omer Rotman

Lampropulos In The Mix

Nível 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

The action folded to a player in the cutoff who opened for 2,000 and only Maria Lampropulos made the call in the big blind.

The flop came 742 and Lampropulos check-called a bet of 3,500 from the cutoff. On the K turn both players checked their options to the A river, where again it went check-check.

Lampropulos rolled over 76 for a pair of sevens and her opponent slowly rolled over 76 in a fake slow roll to chop up the pot.

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Maria Lampropulos ar
Maria Lampropulos

Tags: Maria Lampropulos

Petit Bets Big to Take Down the Pot

Nível 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action began preflop with the under-the-gun player having raised to 2,000. Rosalie Petit called, as well as both blinds, to head to the flop.

The flop came J105 as the first three players quickly checked around. Petit led for 5,500 with the under-the-gun player making the call.

The turn was the 4 with a check following from the early position player. Petit again bet 14,000 as her opponent quickly folded.

Tags: Rosalie Petit

Cartner Flops the Straight

Nível 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Steve Cartner was on the button when the player in the cutoff raised to 2,600 and Cartner called and the small blind also called.

The flop came 876 and the small blind led out for 5,100 and the cutoff folded and Cartner called.

The turn was the 6 and the small blind checked and Cartner bet 8,000 and received a call.

Cartner bet 12,000 on the river 7 and the small blind called.

The small blind held AJ and Cartner had 109 and had hit the straight on the flop.

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Steve Cartner ca
Steve Cartner

Tags: Steve Cartner

Harder Finds a Double Up

Nível 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Christian Harder moved all in for 9,300 from under the gun and it folded around to the button who made the call. The blinds got out of the way and the cards were on their backs.

Christian Harder: KJ
Opponent: 1010

It was a coin-flip preflop, but when the board ran out K829A, it was the flopped king that held up for Harder to score a full double.

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Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Christian Harder

Nível: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Meyers Eliminates Opponent to Stack Up

Nível 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action began with Chris Meyers raising to 2,000 in the under-the-gun position. The middle position player jammed all in for 16,600 with Meyers calling as both players revealed their hands.

Opponent: KQ
Chris Meyers: AQ

The board ran out 10A4K2 with Meyers scooping the pot.

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Chris Meyers us
Chris Meyers

Tags: Chris Meyers

Owen Gets It In On a Combo Draw

Nível 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

The action was picked up when all the chips hit the middle on a flop of K93 between Brad Owen in the small blind and his opponent in the cutoff who made the call to put Owen at risk for his remaining 20,900.

Brad Owen: QJ
Opponent: AK

Owen had a flush and straight draw against the top pair for his opponent. It wasn't much of a sweat for Owen when the A peeled off on the turn to give him a flush and would only need to dodge an ace or king. The 3 completed the board and Owen scored the full double up to almost two times starting stack.

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Brad Owen us
Brad Owen

Tags: Brad Owen

Failed Attempt to Honor Doyle Gifts Chen With a Stack

Nível 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action folded to Pete Chen in the cutoff who raised to 2,000. The button folded to the player in the small blind who put in a three-bet to 7,500. Chen called and both players headed to a flop of 3J4.

The player in the small blind continued by leading into Chen with a bet of 6,000. Chen called, prompting the dealer to burn and turn the K.

The small blind continued their aggression with a bet of 11,000, which Chen called, taking both players to an 8 river card.

The small blind player paused briefly as he thought over his action before deciding to move forward the last of his 30,000 or so chips and unfortunately for him, Chen was there waiting to snap him off and show AA.

As he stood up to exit the tournament area, the small blind player said, "I had to bluff this hand." as he turned up the 102 in an apparent attempt to honor Doyle Brunson that had gone horribly wrong.

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Pete Chen hk
Pete Chen
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Doyle BrunsonPete Chen