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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #15: $1,500 6-Handed No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
400,000 / 800,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1
Jogadores Restantes

Halverson Gets Maximum Value

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Mitchell Halverson
Mitchell Halverson

The player in the hijack raised to 500, finding Mitchell Halverson on the button who three-bet to 1,300. The hijack called and both players went to the flop.

On 8QJ the hijack decided to lead into Halverson for 1,000. In response, he reraised to 4,500 and the hijack called.

The turn brought the 7. Once checked to, Halverson shoved all in for 12,000 and the hijack called.

Mitchell Halverson: Q8
Hijack: AK

Dodging a heap of outs, the river came the Q improving Halverson to a full house as he claimed this pot.

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Mitchell Halverson

Tags: Mitchell Halverson

Wurzburg Folds a Full House

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

It was reported to PokerNews that there was a raise from first position preflop and the small blind Kyle McClellen and the big blind Brian Wurzburg called.

The flop came Jx8x6x and the first position led out with a small bet and McClellen raised. Wurzburg called and the first player folded.

The turn came 8x and a bet and a call occurred. The same actions happened on the river when the case 8x rolled out.

McClellen bet 800, Wurzburg raised 2,400, and McClellen raised once more to 7,000.

Wurzburg thought about his hand for a while and then mucked, stating he had QJ for the full boat. McClellen showed his hand, 87 for quads.

Wurzburg stated he "folded like a gentleman and [McClellen] showed his eight".

Tags: Brian WurzburgKyle McClellen

Ochoa Takes the Lead on the Turn

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Sergio Ochoa
Sergio Ochoa

The player in the cutoff raised to 600, Sergio Ochoa called on the button, and the small blind defended. On the flop of Q8K it was checked to the cutoff, who continued for 700, and both Ochoa and the small blind called.

The turn came 6 to which the small blind checked in flow and the original raiser slowed down, checking the action to Ochoa, who took the lead for 1,900. Both remaining players to folded.

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Sergio Ochoa

Tags: Sergio Ochoa

Early Knockout Leads to Big Stack for Calucha

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Stanislav Calucha reported to PokerNews that he had just doubled up when the big blind went all in with pocket threes and he called with pocket queens.

"Now I'm definitely going to win!" said Calucha.

"First you better focus on posting the blinds," replied his tablemate.

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Stanislav Calucha
Stanislav Calucha

Tags: Stanislav Calucha

Safe Runout for Seif

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Mark Seif
Mark Seif

Three players were met with a board of 348. Mark Seif in the small blind led out for 1,300, the big blind called, and the button elected to jam all in for their remaining 19,400. Seif reraised all in himself and the big blind folded.

Button: 65
Mark Seif: JJ

The turn and river came the 3 and the 3 improving Seif to a full house and eliminating his opponent.

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Mark Seif
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Mark Seif

Nível: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Three to a Flop, Ouimette on Top

Nível 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

A player under the gun raised to 500 to which Justin Ouimette three-bet to 1,500. The small blind cold-called and the original raiser also came along.

On a board of 5Q2, both players checked to Ouimette, who bet out 1,600. This was all it took as both players folded and he claimed the pot.

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Justin Ouimette ca
Justin Ouimette

Tags: Justin Ouimette