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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #39: $3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha 6-Handed
Dias: 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informações do Nível
150,000 / 300,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1
Jogadores Restantes

Fishman Takes a Pot Off Allen

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Richie Allen opened from under the gun to 3,000. It folded to Ken Fishman in the big blind who made the call.

The flop came {q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and Fishman check-called a bet of 6,000 from Allen. On the {10-Clubs} turn Fishman led out for 10,000 and it was enough to fold out Allen and win him the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Ken Fishman us
Ken Fishman
Richie Allen gb
Richie Allen

Tags: Ken FishmanRichie Allen

Sawa Busts One

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

A player opened to 4,200 and Rudolph Sawa three-bet to 16,800 in the cutoff. After some consideration, the initial player called.

The flop gave {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{k-Clubs} and Sawa continued for 10,000 after a check from his opponent, who responded by shoving all his chips in the middle for 11,200. Sawa completed and they tabled their cards:

Rudolph Sawa: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}
Opponent: {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}{5-Spades}{4-Clubs}

Sawa's pair of aces held on the {7-Spades} turn and {8-Spades} river to give him the winning hand and bust his opponent.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Rudolph Sawa us
Rudolph Sawa

Tags: Rudolph Sawa

Shayesteh On Top In Rockets Vs Rockets Showdown

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Amir Shayesteh in the small blind and the big blind got all the chips in the middle preflop with the big blind at risk for 43,200.

Big Blind: {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{10-Spades}
Amir Shayesteh: {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}

The flop came {q-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} followed by the {8-Hearts} on the turn, The big blind asked the dealer to deliver a king for a split pot. The dealer did ash he asked and turned over the {k-Hearts} which gave Shayesteh a flush sending the big blind home.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Amir Shayesteh us
Amir Shayesteh

Grau Gets a Fold

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Mike Lancaster opened to 2,500 and Tim Grau decided to three-bet to 9,200 on the button. The big blind joined the action but Lancaster folded his hand.

The flop fanned {7-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} and it was checked to Grau who potted. His opponent snap-folded and Grau grabbed the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Tim Grau at
Tim Grau
Mike Lancaster us
Mike Lancaster

Jameson Picks Up a Pot

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action started when the hijack opened to 3,000 and both the small blind and Sherman Jameson in the big blind made the call.

All players checked on a flop of {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}. On the {a-Clubs} turn the small blind checked and Jameson bet out 8,500. Only the hijack made the call.

On the {3-Spades} river action slowed down when both players checked. Sherman announced straight and showed {j-Spades}{10-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{5-Spades} for the broadway straight and his opponent mucked.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sherman Jameson us
Sherman Jameson

Tags: Sherman Jameson

Manzano Pot-Bet Bears Fruit

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

With 85,000 in the middle on a double paired board turn of {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{7-Clubs} the small blind bet 40,000. Alejandro Manzano bet the pot which would be enough to put the small blind all in.

The small blind sighed and said "I think I could be good" and threw his cards into the muck. The Spaniard Manzano is now one of the big stacks in the room.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Alejandro Manzano es
Alejandro Manzano

Tags: Alejandro Manzano

Zable Takes from Kassela

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Frank Kassela
Frank Kassela

Frank Kassela limped in the cutoff and it was called by the small blind while John Zable checked his option in the big blind.

The flop gave {9-Spades}{4-Spades}{6-Clubs} and it checked to Zable who bet 2,500. Only Kassela made the call. The turn was the {j-Spades} and brought no betting action.

When the {10-Diamonds} came on the river, Zable bet 3,000 and Kassela ended up calling. Zable revealed {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades} for the flush and Kassela only showed {j-Clubs}{j-Hearts} for trips, and tossed his hand into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Frank Kassela us
Frank Kassela
WSOP 3X Winner
John Zable us
John Zable

Tags: Frank KasselaJohn Zable

Stockfish More than Doubles Up

Nível 8 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

In a three-way raised pot, the flop showed {6-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} when all the chips went in the middle between Jason Stockfish, at risk for his last 31,000, and his opponent who made the call while the third player got out of the way.

Jason Stockfish: {q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{5-Clubs}
Opponent: {k-Clubs}{k-Spades}{10-Clubs}{6-Spades}

Stockfish had a flush and a straight draw while his opponent held a set of kings, and hit one of the outs he needed on the {8-Diamonds} turn. The {j-Clubs} completed the board and Stockfish took down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jason Stockfish us
Jason Stockfish

Tags: Jason Stockfish