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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #39: $1,000 Super Seniors No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 2
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
300,000 / 600,000

Green Sends Opponent Packing Before Money Bubble

Nível 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Clifton Green
Clifton Green

Two-way action headed to the flop between Clifton Green and his opponent who was all in.

Clifton Green: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
Opponent: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}

Green was behind his opponent, although the flop of {3-Spades}{8-Clubs}{6-Clubs} gave him the nut flush draw.

The {q-Diamonds} on the turn put Green in the lead and he just needed to dodge a non-club king to eliminate his opponent.

The river came the {j-Spades} and Green raked in the pot as his opponent left the tournament area.

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Clifton Green us
Clifton Green

Tags: Clifton Green

Krescanko Cranks Up the Pressure

Nível 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

A player opened to 14,000 and got a call before Mike Krescanko three-bet all in for around 150,000. The initial player sat stewing checking the tournament clock repeatedly before folding.

The other player then open-mucked ace-king.

"I had that as well," said the initial raiser. Krescanko opened {a-}{a-}

"Hot damn!" said the second player celebrating. "Hell of a fold!"

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Mike Krescanko us
Mike Krescanko

Tags: Mike Krescanko

Ladies Love 'Lucky Bob'

Nível 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Bob Buckenmayer
Bob Buckenmayer

Bob Buckenmayer opened under the gun with a raise to 10,000 and action folded around to the button player who three-bet to 28,000. The blinds folded and action was back on Buckenmayer who four-bet jammed for 121,500 and he was snapped off by his opponent.

Bob Buckenmayer: {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}
Opponent: {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}

Buckenmayer was far behind his opponent until there was a lady in the window and the board ran out {9-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{8-Spades}{k-Diamonds} and the man referred to by the table as 'Lucky Bob' won the hand and a massive pot.

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Bob Buckenmayer us
Bob Buckenmayer

Tags: Bob Buckenmayer

Brenes on a Heater

Nível 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Humberto Brenes earlier this summer
Humberto Brenes earlier this summer

"Brenes is on a sick heater," said the dealer as they left Humberto Brenes' table. "Aces, kings twice. He just eliminated someone with a set of twos."

The new dealer sat down, greeting the players as they did so.

"Can I get a muzzle for seat one?" asked someone, singling out the Costa Rican in seat one. Brenes now sits on 250,000 in chips shortly before the bubble portion of play.

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Humberto Brenes cr
Humberto Brenes
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Humberto Brenes

Burns Eliminated Before the Break...Or Is He?

Nível 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
2019 World Series of Poker
2019 World Series of Poker

In a hand that occurred ten minutes before the break, Russell Burns was all in on a flop that read {8-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. He was up against Vasili Lazarou.

Russell Burns: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Vasili Lazarou: {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

The turn was the {7-Diamonds} and the river the {a-Diamonds}. Burns quickly got to his feet and immediately left the tournament area. The dealer took the board down and awarded the pot to Lazarou.

While they were in the process of doing so, a player in middle position blurted out that Burns was not eliminated as he had rivered a flush. The chips were practically in Lazarou's stack but the player insisted and the floor was called.

After protracted discussions during the course of the 20-minute break, as well as repeated calls for Burns to make himself known to a tournament supervisor, tournament officials returned to the table after the break.

Charlie Ciresi explained that he had checked surveillance and that Burns - or at least the seat Burns would be occupying - was owed 95,000 from Lazarou.

Lazarou insisted that Burns had substantially less than that, but eventually handed over the chips. With the tournament on hold, the table finally raced off the 100-value chips with Lazarou spiking an ace to win the race off.

"You won," the player seated to Lazarou's left exclaimed. "He's winning like a mad man over here!"

Burns is currently missing and the American from Dekalb, Illinois is being blinded out.

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Russell Burns us
Russell Burns
Vasili Lazarou us
Vasili Lazarou
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Russell BurnsVasili Lazarou

Nível: 15

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Wenrich Chips Up Before the Break

Nível 14 : 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Steven Wenrich held {10-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} and had called an all in against an opponent who held {a-Spades}{k-Clubs} for his last 30,000 chips.

The flop {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} gave Wenrich's opponent the lead, though Wenrich also flopped a pair and a flush draw. The turn {5-Diamonds} completed that flush draw and the {a-Hearts} river was too little too late for his opponent.

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Steven Wenrich us
Steven Wenrich

Tags: Steven Wenrich

Vaughn Doubles Up

Nível 14 : 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Barry Vaughn opened from late position with a raise to 16,000 and the player from the big blind moved all in, Vaughn called for his remaining chip stack of 64,700.

Barry Vaughn: {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}
Opponnet: {q-Hearts}{q-Spades}

Vaughn had his opponent crushed and nothing changed as the board ran out {j-Spades}{j-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and he doubled up.

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Barry Vaughn us
Barry Vaughn

Tags: Barry Vaughn