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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #65: $10,000 Main Event
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
800,000 / 1,600,000

Larrabe Takes it Slow With Aces, Gets Value From Palmer

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Scott Palmer raised from the button to 240,000 and Andoni Larrabe called from the big blind. The flop came down {K-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and both players checked.

The turn was the {9-Spades} and Larrabe bet 330,000, Palmer called.

On the river the {3-Diamonds} hit and Larrabe bet another 800,000. Palmer immediately grabbed chips and slid forward a big pile to make the call.

Larrabe tabled {A-Clubs}{A-Hearts} and Palmer shook his head as he pushed his cards to the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andoni Larrabe es
Andoni Larrabe
Profile photo of Scott Palmer us
Scott Palmer

Tags: Andoni LarrabeScott Palmer

Politano Four-Bets

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Bruno Politano made it 275,000 from the cutoff and Dan Sindelar called from his button. Bryan Devonshire was in the small blind and cut out a three-bet to 1.005 million. Action folded back around to Politano and he went deep into the tank.

He tanked for well over four minutes before reaching for chips and moving out a four-bet to three million. Sindelar quickly ditched his hand and Devonshire followed suit. Polianto took down the pot and boosted his stack to 12.29 million.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dan Sindelar us
Dan Sindelar
Profile photo of Bruno Politano br
Bruno Politano
Profile photo of Bryan Devonshire us
Bryan Devonshire

Tags: Bruno PolitanoBryan DevonshireDan Sindelar

Simply, En Fuego

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante
Andoni Larrabe is on fire
Andoni Larrabe is on fire

Eddy Sabat raised to 300,000 out of the hijack, Andoni Larrabe called in the cutoff, and the two took a flop of {a-Hearts}{j-Spades}{10-Clubs}. Sabat check-called a bet of 425,000, the turn was the {k-Clubs}, and both players knuckled.

The river was the {j-Hearts}, Sabat checked a third and final time, and Larrabe pushed out 1.35 million - a pot-sized bet. Sabat mulled the decision over for 90 seconds or so, then folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andoni Larrabe es
Andoni Larrabe
Profile photo of Eddy Sabat us
Eddy Sabat

Tags: Andoni LarrabeEddy Sabat

Roberts Survives

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Brian Roberts opened the button to just 240,000 leaving himself just 65,000 behind and both Oscar Kemps and Dan Smith made the call from the small and big blinds.

The flop landed {9-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{10-Spades} and Roberts tossed in his final 65,000 with both Kemps and Smith calling. The turn landed the {4-Diamonds} and Smith bet 400,000 and Kemps folded his hand.

Smith: {4-Hearts}{2-Spades}
Roberts: {K-Spades}{8-Hearts}

The river landed the {K-Hearts} to keep Roberts alive and Smith jokingly bellowed, "No justice!"

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Oscar Kemps nl
Oscar Kemps
Profile photo of Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts

Tags: Brian RobertsOscar KempsDan Smith

Full House For Sarra

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Thomas Sarra Jr raised to 310,000 from his small blind and Luis Velador called out of the big blind. The two were heads up to the {7-Spades}{7-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} flop. Sarra continued for 430,000 and Velador moved forward a call.

The {7-Diamonds} hit the felt on fourth street and Sarra continued his aggression with a bet of 600,000. Velador stuck around once again, allowing the {2-Clubs} to fall on the river. Sarra quickly checked and Velador bet 800,000. Sarra called and showed {K-Clubs}{3-Hearts} for sevens full of treys. Velador mucked and Serra took down the pot. He now has about 6.875 million in chips while Velador has dropped to 13.33 million.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Thomas Sarra Jr us
Thomas Sarra Jr

Tags: Luis VeladorThomas Sarra Jr

McCorkell Stares Down Larrabe

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

From the hijack seat, Andoni Larrabe opened with a raise to 250,000. Craig McCorkell called from the big blind, and the flop came out {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. After McCorkell checked, Larrabe bet 325,000. McCorkell called, and the turn added the {2-Diamonds} to the board. McCorkell checked, and Larrabe fired 700,000. McCorkell stared hard at Larrabe for a minute or two, but folded in the end, and Larrabe won the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andoni Larrabe es
Andoni Larrabe
Profile photo of Craig McCorkell gb
Craig McCorkell
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Craig McCorkellAndoni Larrabe

Kemps is Major of Limp City

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

From under the gun, Mark Newhouse limped in along with Brian Roberts and Oscar Kemps before Iaron Lightbourne checked his option.

The dealer fanned a {Q-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{9-Spades} flop and following a Lightbourne check, Newhouse bet out 275,000. Roberts mucked, but Kemps raised to 1,000,000 as Lightbourne swiftly mucked.

After a few moments in the tank, Newhouse eventually folded and Kemps was pushed the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mark Newhouse us
Mark Newhouse
Profile photo of Iaron Lightbourne gb
Iaron Lightbourne
Profile photo of Oscar Kemps nl
Oscar Kemps
Profile photo of Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts

Tags: Oscar KempsMark NewhouseBrian RobertsIaron Lightbourne

Velador Shoves on Haugen

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Luis Velador opened for 285,00 from the cutoff only to have Matthew Haugen three-bet to 860,000 from the small blind. Velador responded with a call, which brought about a flop of {2-Spades}{10-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}. Haugen was first to act and fired out a million, Velador called, and the {2-Clubs} appeared on the turn.

Haugen bet 1.5 million and then snap-folded when Velador moved all in.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Luis Velador mx
Luis Velador
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Matthew Haugen us
Matthew Haugen

Tags: Luis VeladorMatthew Haugen

Larrabe Nearing 14 Million Chips

Nível 30 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante
Andoni Larrabe
Andoni Larrabe

Andoni Larrabe raised to 250,000 from under the gun, William Tonking three-bet to 675,000 on his direct left, and the action folded back to Larrabe, who called.

The dealer fanned {5-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}, Larrabe check-called a bet of 600,000, and both players knuckled on the turn ({10-Hearts}).

The river was the {q-Spades} and Larrabe led out for the first time, using two hands to push out 1.1 million. Tonking considered the bet for a brief amount of time, then chucked his hand into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andoni Larrabe es
Andoni Larrabe
Profile photo of William Tonking us
William Tonking

Tags: Andoni LarrabeWilliam Tonking