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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $10,000 Main Event
Dias: 2b
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
1,200,000 / 2,400,000

Bad News For Booth

Brad Booth entered today as one of the big stack, starting out with around 110,000. However, he has been on a downward spiral all day, and has just been eliminated. We didn't see how the money got in, but Booth had the rest of his stack all in preflop and was in great shape.

Booth: {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}
Opponent: {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts}

Booth was far ahead until the flop came {7-Spades}{k-Spades}{q-Spades}, causing Booth to simply say "bad news." While he was behind, he still had a world of outs, as any jack, ten, or spade would give him the pot. The turn brought the {8-Hearts}, eliciting another "bad news" from Booth. He said it one more time when the {8-Diamonds} hit the river, and Booth stood up, said "Thats how the last three years have been for me. Now time for the walk of shame." A dejected Booth made his exit, as his WSOP has come to an unexpected close.

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Tags: Brad Booth

Missed Queen High Flush Draw Good For KO

Bryan Colin
Bryan Colin

We only saw the end of the flop action in a hand where Brandon Riha was eliminated in pretty sick fashion against Bryan Colin. But another player at the table and then Riha told us what had happened that led up to the point that we started watching.

According to Riha, Bryan Colin raised to 1,700 in the cutoff preflop and the small blind plus Riha in the big blind both called. Then on the {K-Hearts}{5-Spades}{3-Spades} flop, the small blind led for 3,700 and Riha raised to 9,200. This is where we caught up with the action ourselves where Colin then re-raised to 18,600 and Riha moved in for 29,500 on top. Colin made the call to put Riha at risk as the players turned up their hands.

Colin: {Q-Spades}{6-Spades}

If Riha had hoped to get called when he shoved, then surely he would have wanted it to be by a made hand so that his flush draw was at least live. Instead, Colin had a higher flush draw to have Riha who would now need to pair up crushed. The {9-Diamonds} on the turn was close but no good and the {K-Clubs} on the river sealed the knockout for Colin with just a queen kicker as Riha was eliminated.

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Bryan Colin
Bryan Colin
Brandon Riha
Brandon Riha

Tags: Brandon RihaBryan Colin

Wakil Kills One

Nível 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

Eric Siegel started things off with a raise to 1,800. The next player to act three-bet to 4,400 and then action folded to Jamil Wakil. He cold four-bet to 10,400. Action folded back to Siegel and he mucked, but the three bettor made the call to see the flop.

The flop came down {8-}{7-}{3-Diamonds}. The first player checked before Wakil fired 11,300. His opponent called.

The turn was the {6-Diamonds} and the first player checked again. Wakil bet 20,300 and his opponent check-raised all in for approximately 60,000. Wakil called holding the {5-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} for a combo draw. His all-in opponent had the {Q-Diamonds}{Q-}.

The river was the {A-Diamonds} to give Wakil a diamond flush and send his opponent to the rail. Wakil won the pot to move to 170,000 in chips.

Tags: Jamil Wakil

Fierro Steamrollin'

With the board reading {K-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}, Nicolas Fierro's opponent bet out 20,300. Fierro shoved out a huge stack of orange, 5,000-denomination chips totally about 100,000. This bet would put Fierro's opponent all in if called.

Fierro's opponent had a painful look on his face as he mucked his cards.

"I'll give you fifty bucks if you show me your hand," Fierro's opponent said. "Fifty bucks, cash, right now."

Fierro refused the offer and mucked his hand. This victory brings him up to about 345,000 and is our current largest stack of the day.

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Nicolas Fierro
Nicolas Fierro

Tags: Nicolas Fierro

Davies Wins Chips, Fame

Nível 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

We came on this one as the turn betting was being completed. The board showed {2-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{8-Spades}{Q-Spades}, and it looked as though Doug Lee was calling a bet of Scott Davies', his call putting the pot at about 5,000.

The river brought the {10-Diamonds} and a bet of 3,300 from Lee. Davies thought a few moments, then made the call. Lee showed {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}, Davies {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}, and Davies claimed the pot.

"You raised with that," joked Lee after, and they both laughed. "Suited connectors, yeah," answered Davies. The two have been in conversation since Lee was moved to the table, including Davies asking Lee about his WSOP-Circuit win (in 2005, right here at the Rio Hotel and Casino) and the ring he received for doing so.

Noting that the hand was being chronicled, Davies piped up. "Hey, I'm going to be famous… I took a small pot off Doug Lee!"

Lee has about 72,000 at the moment, while Davies is up around 66,000.

Tags: Doug LeeScott Davies

Sklansky Doubles

David Sklansky
David Sklansky

We caught up with the action just as a short-stacked David Sklansky was getting it all in against a lone opponent. It appeared that Skansky's opponent had raised from middle position and David Sklansky re-raised all in from the small blind. His opponent made the call.

Sklansky: {9-Hearts}{9-Clubs}
Opponent: {A-Hearts}{J-Spades}

The board ran out {4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}, leaving Sklansky with a set and doubling him up to 20,000

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David Sklansky us
David Sklansky
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David Sklansky

Welcome to the Amazon Jungle Mr. Berman

Nível 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

As the tables are rapidly breaking in the Pavilion Room, many of the players are making their way into the Amazon Room. One of those players is Lyle Berman, who was moved to Table 339, the same table as Terrence Chan and Richard "nutsinho" Lyndaker; in fact, Berman took a seat directly to the right of the latter.

Should be an interesting table.

Tags: Lyle BermanRichard LyndakerTerrence Chan

The D’Angelo-Bellande Saga Continues

Ryan D'Angelo
Ryan D'Angelo

We caught up with the action heads up between two players who have been pretty familiar with each other so far today. On the {Q-Hearts}{J-Spades}{8-Clubs} flop, Ryan D’Angelo who was in the small blind checked to Jean-Robert Bellande who was under the gun and bet. D’Angelo then came in with a check-raise to 14,200 which Bellande called. On the {6-Diamonds} turn, D’Angelo fired 21,300 and Bellande went into the tank before he folded. D’Angelo showed {7-Hearts}{4-Hearts} for just seven high with an inside-straight draw and clearly got away with the bluff to take down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Ryan D'Angelo
Ryan D'Angelo
Jean-Robert Bellande
Jean-Robert Bellande

Tags: Jean-Robert BellandeRyan D'Angelo

Batista Zipped Up, Chipping Up

Chad Batista
Chad Batista

We caught up with the action heads up on an {A-Clubs}{9-Spades}{7-Spades} flop where Chad Batista bet 4,000 from middle position and the cutoff called. On the {5-Clubs} turn, Batista checked to the cutoff who bet 8,100 and now Batista made the call. On the {9-Clubs} river however, Batista went back to being the aggressor and moved all in. The cutoff folded as Batista took down the pot.

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Chad Batista
Chad Batista

Tags: Chad Batista

Gomes Gone

Alexandre Gomes
Alexandre Gomes

We recently saw Alexandre Gomes get crippled all the way down to only 7,000 when he was up against a pocket pair of tens that made a straight. Gomes hung onto his shortstack for a while before we finally just saw him make his exit although we didn’t catch what happened.

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Alexandre Gomes br
Alexandre Gomes

Tags: Alexandre Gomes