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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $10,000 Main Event
Dias: 2b
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
1,200,000 / 2,400,000

Madsen Movin' Up

Jeff Madsen playing during Day 1d
Jeff Madsen playing during Day 1d

We caught up with the action just as the dealer was dealing the flop in a raised pot between a player in middle position and Jeff Madsen in the cutoff.

The flop came {10-Spades}{J-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and the middle-position player checked. Madsen bet 3,700 and his opponent string-called after some deliberation.

The turn fell the {4-Diamonds} and Madsen's opponent checked again. Not slowing down, Madsen cut out a bet to 8,100 and placed it into the middle. His opponent checked his hole cards one last time and rapped the table.

"Nice hand," he said and mucked.

Madsen is up to 143,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jeff Madsen
Jeff Madsen

Tags: Jeff Madsen

Fierro Climbing

Nicolas Fierro
Nicolas Fierro

Nicolas Fierro has become the captain of his table, raising most of the pots we saw preflop. We happened to catch a hand where he raised to 2,000 only to have the player in the cutoff three-bet the action to 4,700.

Fierro didn't seem to be swayed that easily though, as he four-bet to 13,500. His opponent went into the tank for over a minute before finally mucking his hand. Fierro collected the chips and continued to pad one of the biggest stacks in the room.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Nicolas Fierro
Nicolas Fierro

Tags: Nicolas Fierro

The Mizrachi's Are Making Moves

Eric and Donny Mizrachi
Eric and Donny Mizrachi

Donny and Eric Mizrachi started off today at the same table, but Eric was moved about two hours into play. Both are still alive, and both just won nice pots to boost their stacks. First Donny knocked out a short stack when his {8-}{8-} cracked his opponents {a-}{a-} on a board of {6-}{7-}{9-}{q-}{10-}. That hand has helped get his stack up to 125,000.

As we were coming back from that hand, we noticed the ESPN cameras descending upon Eric's table, and we saw that he was all in preflop for his last 6,800. He held {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}, and was well ahead of his opponent's {k-Spades}{10-Spades}. The flop was safe for Eric, coming {a-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{4-Clubs}, and the turn helped and hurt Eric. It was the {q-Spades}, and while it gave Eric a set, it gave his opponent an extra out, as he would now need one of the four jacks left to make a straight. It didn't come however, as the river brought the {10-Hearts}. Eric got the double up he needed, though he's still hurting with just over 15,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Donny Mizrachi
Donny Mizrachi
Eric Mizrachi us
Eric Mizrachi

Tags: Donny MizrachiEric Mizrachi

White Washed

The tables are quickly busting from the White section of Pavilion, but here are their remaining counts.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Thomas Keller
Thomas Keller
Matt Jarvis ca
Matt Jarvis
Lyle Berman
Lyle Berman
Matt Savage
Matt Savage
Ryan Daut
Ryan Daut
Joseph Cheong
Joseph Cheong
Bryan Devonshire
Bryan Devonshire
Raymond Davis us
Raymond Davis

Aguair Eliminated

Jonathan Aguiar
Jonathan Aguiar

We didn't catch the hand, but it seems Jonathan Aguiar, who had been clinging to a short stack for quite some time, was recently eliminated. As he put it on Twitter: "Busted by the guy so dumb he couldn't find his seat."

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jonathan Aguair
Jonathan Aguair

Tags: Jonathan Aguiar

Ramdin Gets Rude Welcome

Victor Ramdin and his 130,000 chips were just moved over to the orange section of the amazon room, and when he got to the table, he saw that he had drawn an unfortunate chair. He took his seat to the immediate right of Raul Pino, who currently has a stack of around 268,000, one of the tops in the room. Given Ramdin's agreesive nature, we are expecting plenty of action from those two, and we will be sure try and catch any big pot that develops over there.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Victor Ramdin us
Victor Ramdin

Tags: Victor RamdinRaul Pino

Fernandez Gets Order, Loses Chips

Nível 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

It folded around to Leo Fernandez who opened to 2,000 from middle position, and his opponent sitting to his left reraised to 5,700. It folded back to Fernandez who made the call.

The flop came {4-Spades}{Q-Spades}{9-Diamonds}. So, too, arrived the cocktail waiter, who happened to be delivering coffees to both Fernandez and his opponent. Both ignored him for about a half-minute, concentrating on the hand. Then finally they paused in the proceedings long enough to settle up and receive their orders. With cups in hand, they continued what they had begun.

Fernandez checked, and his opponent quickly bet 5,600. Fernandez sat quietly for a while, then let his hand go. The Argentinian took a sip and looked back at his stack -- now 46,000.

Tags: Leo Fernandez

Bonding Makes a Believer

A player in early position bet and made it 2,500 to anyone willing to pay to see a flop. He received two callers, a player in middle position and Lars Bonding in the big blind. After all the chips were in place the dealer flattened a {j-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{7-Clubs} flop where Bonding came out and bet 1,700. The player from early position folded, while the middle position player made it 4,000. Bonding then went into the tank for awhile before throwing out two orange chips making it 11,700. His opponent then mucked fairly quickly and Bonding was able to bring in a decent sized pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Lars Bonding
Lars Bonding

Tags: Lars Bonding

Mueller The Candy Man

Greg Mueller
Greg Mueller

We found Greg Mueller in a hand where he offered to buy gum or candy for anyone who wanted it at the table from one of girls selling candy and cigarettes walking around. A couple of people asked for some and after Mueller made the purchase, he said, “That’s expensive gum!”

As for the hand, on the {K-Spades}{J-Clubs}{2-Hearts} flop, a player in middle position bet 2,200 and Mueller called in the cutoff. On the {9-Clubs} turn, the middle position player bet again, this time for 6,200 and Mueller made the call once more. When the {5-Hearts} hit the river, the player bet one last time for 70,000 which was enough to put Mueller who only had 22,000 left all in. Mueller laid his hand down however and his stack got a bit lighter, as did his wallet from the gum purchase.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Greg Mueller
Greg Mueller

Tags: Greg Mueller