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2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

World Cup
Dias: 1
Event Info

2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

Resultados Finais
Event Info
Informações do Nível
3,000 / 6,000

Rettenmaier Almost Times Out

Nível 1

Marvin Rettenmaier's known for his slow-paced style of poker, and just now he almost got himself into a lot of trouble.

The board showed {6-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and Rettenmaier bet 1,300 from the under-the-gun plus two position. Vladimir Troyanovskiy, seated two seats to his left, made the call with {A-Spades}{6-Clubs} and the river was the {10-Diamonds}.

Rettenmaier, holding {J-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}, went into the tank for quite some time but players only have 30 seconds to act on every hand. The time was set to run out and it looked like Rettenmaier did not know exactly what to do.

The German called for extra time, the tournament director was called, as his time already seemed to have ran out. The ruling was made that Rettenmaier would get another 10 seconds, as the dealer should've counted down the last five seconds.

Rettenmaier bet 2,600 with his overpair and Troyanovskiy folded his cards.

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierVladimir Troyanovskiy