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2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

World Cup
Dias: 1
Event Info

2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

Resultados Finais
Event Info
Informações do Nível
3,000 / 6,000

Duhamel Done First

Nível 5

Jonathan Duhamel has been eliminated from the fifth heat and with that is the first that can go home for the day.

Duhamel moved his last 1,100 in from early position. Rocco Palumbo from Team Italy made the call.

Small blind Olivier Busquet squeezed to 2,600 while Anatoly Filatov was, for some reason, doing splits next to the table.

Palumbo made the call.

The flop came {4-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Busquet bet 2,200. Palumbo folded.

Olivier Busquet: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}
Jonathan Duhamel: {A-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}

The {7-Diamonds} on the turn and {A-Clubs} on the river effectively didn't change a thing and Duhamel headed back to his hotel.

Tags: Anatoly FilatovJonathan DuhamelOlivier BusquetRocco Palumbo

Team France Loses Loosli

Nível 5
Sylvain Loosli
Sylvain Loosli

Under unknown circumstances Sylvain Loosli just got knocked out against Philipp Gruissem at one of the outer tables.

This is an important development for Team UK who needs to jump over at least one team to stay in the race. Team France is near the bottom of the standings, but the UK needs a lot of help still to stay alive.

The Plan for Tomorrow

Nível 5

One more time, from the Global Poker Masters website:

THE QUARTERFINALS (day 2 – March 22nd)

With the 8th place team already eliminated and the Playoff winner leapfrogging directly into the Semifinals we are now left with the 6 remaining teams in the Quarterfinals all playing each other in a series of “Best out of 3” Heads-Up matches to determine which 5 teams will move onto the Semifinals and which team will be eliminated.

  • Heads-Up Quarterfinals

    2th Seeded Teamvs.7nd Seeded Team
    3rd Seeded Teamvs.6th Seeded Team
    4th Seeded Teamvs.5th Seeded Team

  • Each Heads-Up match will be played by a different player of each competing team. This means each competing country will need to deliberate and decide which 3 of its teammates will represent them during Heads-Up play.
  • After a total of 9 Heads-Up matches, Quarterfinal points are tallied and combined with playoffs points to determine the Semifinal chip count. The team with the lowest amount of point after the Playoffs & Quarterfinals is eliminated from competition.

THE SEMIFINALS (day 2 – March 22nd)

The Semifinals Play Out As A 6-max Sit-n-go’s, With 1 Player Each Representing Their Nation & Play Down To A Champion.

  • The remaining 6 Nations each select a player to represent their team in the Semifinals. Play begins as normal deep stacked 6-Max action with each team’s starting stack dictated by how many points (chips) they were able to win as a team during the Playoffs & Quarterfinals.
  • The Semifinals will last for 4 hours of play – or until action gets down to Heads-Up play.
  • TBD: Teams may be able to “tag” one another in and out of play during the Semifinals.

THE FINALS (day 2 – March 22nd)
Once Semifinal Play Gets Down To Heads-up Action Play Pauses & All 10 Remaining Players Split Off Into 5 Heads-up Matches Simultaneously, Each Using Their Teams’ Stack As It Was At The Conclusion Of The Semifinals.

  • All remaining players participate concurrently, playing Heads-Up against opposing Team members w/ each side using their Teams’ end-of 6-Max Semifinal chip stacks to play.
  • The GPM Finals play out until one of the 2 remaining Teams’ players have won 3 out of 5 concurrent Heads-Up matches - this team is crowned Champion of the 2015 Global Poker Masters.

Rettenmaier Busts to Ladouceur

Nível 5

Moments after the big hand you just read about, it all came to an end for Rettenmaier. His opponent was once again Marc-Andre Ladouceur.

Giuliano Bendinelli opened under the gun for 700 and small blind Marc-Andre Ladouceur three bet to 2,200. Big blind Marvin Rettenmaier didn't need any time bank now, he shoved all in for 6,625.

Bendinelli folded but Ladouceur tanked for a bit and said "Ok, I'll gamble" and called.

Rettenmaier was up to his old tricks again, first showing the {A-Clubs} and waiting for Ladouceur to turn over his {J-Diamonds}. Rettenmaier then showed his accompanying {A-Hearts} and Ladouceur showed the {Q-Diamonds}.

The flop came {Q-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{10-Clubs}. {J-Spades} on the turn helped Ladouceur in front. The {5-Hearts} on the river wasn't one of the cards Rettenmaier needed and he made his way to the exit.

Tags: Giuliano BendinelliMarc-Andre LadouceurMarvin RettenmaierMarc Ladouceur

Who Killed Kenny? No One

Nível 5

Bryn Kenney was a happy bunny after he eliminated Christopher Frank, a member of Team Germany, the USA's closest rivals for the end of day top spot.

It was a big flip after all the chips went in prelop.

Kenney: {8-Clubs}{8-Spades}
Frank: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}

The flop came down {j-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} prompting the American to say, "That's a nice flop, I win!"

Premature but right in the end as the {5-Clubs}{j-Hearts} turn and river sealed Frank's place on the rail.

Tags: Bryn KenneyChristopher Frank

"How Does He Do It?"

Nível 5
Giuliano Bendinelli
Giuliano Bendinelli

Giuliano Bendinelli has been crushing so far today, but found himself short in Heat 5 just now. Not to worry though, he's back in it after doubling up through Eugene Katchalov.

Bendinelli shoved for 7,350 and Katchalov made the call in position.

Team Italy was behind holding {A-Diamonds}{7-Spades} as Team Ukraine had {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}.

The flop was {7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} though, and Bendinelli was in front all of the sudden. The {9-Hearts} on the turn and {2-Diamonds} on the river didn't change anything and Katchalov handed over 7,350 in chips.

"How does he do it?" Marc-Andre Ladouceur laughed. "And I've heard it isn't the first time today either"

"It's crazy. I win 95 percent of showdowns. Its amazing" Bendinelli laughed while stacking his newfound chips.

Tags: Eugene KatchalovGiuliano BendinelliMarc-Andre Ladouceur