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2014 EPT Season 11 Barcelona

€10,300 High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2014 EPT Season 11 Barcelona

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
100,000 / 200,000

Buonanno Check-Shoves

Nível 5 : 200/400, 50 ante

On the {A-Clubs}{10-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop, Antonio Buonanno and Andoni Larrabe checked to Yingui Li. Li bet 4,500, and Buonanno check-raised all in for 26,050. Larrabe went into the tank, but eventually folded, and then Li quickly tossed his hand into the muck as well.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Yingui Li cn
Yingui Li
Andoni Larrabe es
Andoni Larrabe
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Andoni LarrabeAntonio BuonannoYingui Li

Quoss Gets There

Nível 5 : 200/400, 50 ante
Fabian Quoss
Fabian Quoss

Fabian Quoss opened the button for 1,300, and both the small blind (Brian Roberts), and the big blind (Jason Wheeler) made the call.

The flop came {Q-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts}, and Roberts checked to Wheeler. Wheeler led for 1,700, and Quoss called in position. Roberts thought about it for a bit, and eventually raised to 8,400. Wheeler folded rather quickly, but Quoss needed some more time. Eventually he shoved all in for 34,900 total, and Roberts instantly called.

Roberts had the best hand with the {9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}, but Quoss did have a bunch of club outs with the {K-Clubs}{4-Clubs}.

The {4-Diamonds} paired up Quoss, but was effectively just a blank. The {3-Clubs} on the river certainly wasn't, though, as Quoss made his flush. Roberts was forced to move over half of the chips he had in front of him to give Quoss the double up and drop back to 36,000 in chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Fabian Quoss de
Fabian Quoss
Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts

Tags: Brian RobertsFabian QuossJason Wheeler

Spanish November Niner Andoni Larrabe Enjoying the Attention

Nível 5 : 200/400, 50 ante

Spanish November Niner Andoni Larrabe might be among the most relaxed finalists of this year's World Series of Poker Main Event final table. Larrabe has played a few events here in Barcelona, but for the most part he's been relaxing after making the biggest final table of the year.

Here's his story:

Tags: Andoni Larrabe

Flush over Flush for Polk, Out (Again)

Nível 5 : 200/400, 50 ante
Doug Polk
Doug Polk

It isn't Doug Polk's day so far. At the beginning of the day, he and Scott Seiver were talking about a side bet Polk made with Dan Smith about Smith not winning the €2,000 side event. Well Dan Smith díd win, and that supposedly costed Polk a good bundle of money. Today isn't a cheap day so far either, he just busted for the second time.

The biggest hit to his stack he took in a flush over flush situation. With a board of {A-Spades}{3-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{6-Spades}{4-Hearts} Polk bet out 15,600 with about 34,000 behind. His opponent was Anatoly Filatov who took his time to make his decision. Eventually he pushed a 48,000 stack forward, and now the real tanking began. Polk thought for a long time, and eventually couldn't get himself to fold.

Polk made the call and was immediately shown the ace-high flush: {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Polk had {7-Hearts}{8-Hearts} but that hand was clearly no good.

With just 1,475 left, he found himself all in the next hand. He pushed, found a caller in Candido Goncalves, and Filatov isolated to 5,500. One player made the call, and action was back on Goncalves who resqueezed to 26,100. Filatov folded, and so did the other player (showing {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}).

Polk showed his {A-Clubs}{3-Spades} and was up against {K-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}. "Oh so nice!" Polk said after the {A-Hearts}{4-Spades}{9-Diamonds} on the flop. He spoke too soon though, the {K-Spades} hit the turn and he was out of the tournament indefinitely. The {Q-Clubs} completed the board, and Polk left the table, somehow still with a big smile on his face.

He walked to a nearby table with Ryan Fee on it; "What? You're out? Again?" Fee said. "Yeah I suck", Polk replied, "Yeah you suck!" Fee laughed, "And you can quote me on that" said Fee to us. Do with that what you want, but Polk can go home, he's not able to re enter another time.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Doug Polk us
Doug Polk

Nível: 6

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 75

Nível: 7

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 100

Chidwick Busts Reinkemeier

Nível 7 : 400/800, 100 ante
Tobias Reinkemeier earlier this week
Tobias Reinkemeier earlier this week

With about 15,000 in the pot on a flop of {Q-}{10-}{X-}, Tobias Reinkemeier checked to Stephen Chidwick. The Brit bet 7,500, and Reinkemeier made the call.

Reinkemeier checked again on the {9-Clubs} turn, and Chidwick moved all in to put Reinkemeier to the test. Reinkemeier had 31,300 left and asked the dealer to spread the pot a little. Eventually, when he saw the bet was slightly less than pot-sized, he made the call.

Chidwick showed {K-Spades}{Q-Spades} and was ahead of Reinkemeier's {J-Spades}{J-Hearts}.

The {A-Spades} on the river was no good for Reinkemeier, and he got up and said, "OK, second bullet".

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier

Tags: Stephen ChidwickTobias Reinkemeier