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2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$10,200 Mystery Bounty
Dias: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
125,000 / 250,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 2
Jogadores Restantes

Sitbon Doubles Up

Nível 14 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Julien Sitbon
Julien Sitbon

Julien Sitbon limped in from the small blind. Anton Volkov raised to 22,000 from the big blind and Sitbon made the call.

Sitbon check-called a bet of 25,000 from Volkov, on a flop of 9410.

The J turn saw Sitbon check again. Volkov bet out for 95,000 and Sitbon moved all in for 162,000. Volkov made a quick call.

Julien Sitbon: J9
Anton Volkov: AJ

The river fell the 3 and Sitbon doubled up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Julien Sitbon fr
Julien Sitbon
Anton Volkov ua
Anton Volkov

Tags: Anton VolkovJulien Sitbon

Gutierrez Doubles Up With Higher Pocket Pair

Nível 13 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Elias Gutierrez
Elias Gutierrez

Dylan DeStefano raised from under the gun and Kanan Taherkhani three-bet to 50,000. Elias Gutierrez then moved all in from the big blind for 290,000. DeStefano folded and Taherkhani made the call with the bigger stack. Players turned over their cards.

Elias Gutierrez: 99
Kanan Taherkhani: 88

The board ran out 51064J. Gutierrez held with his pocket nines to double up his stack. Taherkhani, who started the day as chip leader, took a big blow. His stack was reduced to around 280,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Elias Gutierrez es
Elias Gutierrez
Kanan Taherkhani tr
Kanan Taherkhani
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Dylan DeStefanoElias GutierrezKanan Taherkhani

Grafton Busts to Martirosian

Nível 12 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Sam Grafton
Sam Grafton

Action folded around to Artur Martirosian, who shoved all in from the button for around 83,000. Sam Grafton called in the small blind for around 42,000 and the big blind folded. Players flipped their cards.

Sam Grafton: AJ
Artur Martirosian: K7

Grafton was ahead until the board ran out 3K972 to give Martirosian two pair, kings and sevens. He won the pot and Grafton was eliminated from the tournament.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton

Tags: Artur MartirosianSam Grafton

Mystery Bounty Tournament Payouts

Nível 12 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

The payouts for the Mystery Bounty have been announced. The min-cash is worth $9,600 and the outright winner is set to take $127,900.

Bounty prizes will also be available shortly.


Shylko Bests Koop on the River

Nível 11 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Alexander Shylko
Alexander Shylko

The pot stood at 27,000 with two players looking at a board that read KAJ.

Aliaksandr Shylko, in the big blind, checked the action to Niko Koop, who was under the gun. Koop bet out 9,000 and Shylko made the call.

The J turn checked through to the 8 on the river. Shylko now took the lead for 40,000 and Koop was forced to make a quick fold.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Aliaksandr Shylko by
Aliaksandr Shylko
Niko Koop de
Niko Koop

Tags: Aliaksandr ShylkoNiko Koop

Silva Runs Into Queens and Busts

Nível 11 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Pablo Brito Silva
Pablo Brito Silva

Pablo Brito Silva raised to 9,000 from late position and Anton Volkov reraised to 22,000 from the big blind, which Silva called.

The flop came 298. Silva led for 20,000 and Volkov moved all in. Silva made the call with the bigger stack and players flipped their cards.

Pablo Brito Silva: A8
Anton Volkov: QQ

Silva had a pair of eights and Volkov had pocket queens. The turn came the 6 and the river was the 6. Volkov held with his queens and Silva was eliminated from the tournament.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Anton Volkov ua
Anton Volkov
Pablo Brito Silva br
Pablo Brito Silva

Tags: Anton VolkovPablo Brito Silva

Action Turn for Labat and Alahwal

Nível 10 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Antoine Labat
Antoine Labat

Maximilian Silz raised to 8,500 from the cutoff, receiving calls from Antoine Labat, on the button and George Alahwal, in the big blind.

The action checked to Labat, who bet out 9,000 on a flop of 1053. Only Alahwal called.

The 2 turn saw Alahwal check again. Labat bet out 16,000 and Alahwal moved all in for 84,500. Labat made a reluctant call.

George Alahwal: A4
Antoine Labat: 22

The river fell the 9. Alahwal's turned straight was upgraded to a flush, way out in front of Labat's set.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
George Alahwal jo
George Alahwal
Maximilian Silz de
Maximilian Silz
Antoine Labat fr
Antoine Labat

Tags: Antoine LabatGeorge AlahwalMaximilian Silz

EPT Cyprus $10,200 Mystery Bounty Continues Today at 12:30 p.m.

Sam Grafton
Sam Grafton

The PokerStars European Poker Tour Cyprus at the Merit Royal Diamond Hotel Casino & Spa continues today with Day 2 of the $10,200 Mystery Bounty. Over yesterday's only starting flight, 83 entrants found their way to the felt to compete. Of those, only 53 remain. However, with registration still open until the end of Level 10, this number is only anticipated to grow.

As the dust settled, it was Kanan Taherkhani who took the all-important title of chip leader as he managed to accumulate an impressive sum of 756,500. Taherkhani remains way out in front of his nearest competitor, Christian Rudolph, who amassed 490,000, by the end of proceedings.

Day 1 Top Ten Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Kanan TaherkhaniTurkey756,500252
2Christian RudolphGermany490,000163
3Elias GutierrezSpain393,500131
4Farid JattinColombia304,000101
5Iakov OnuchinRussia279,00093
6Antoine LabatFrance260,50087
7Aliaksandr HirsBelarus256,50086
8Marcelo ManfrediniUruguay246,50082
9Ahmed KarrimSouth Africa236,00079
10Stoyan ObreshkovBulgaria229,50077

PokerStars Team Pro Sam Grafton is still in the mix for Day 2 with a stack of 115,000. Alongside Grafton, fierce competition still includes Antoine Labat (260,500), Stoyan Obreshkov (229,500) and Alex Kulev (160,500).

Day 2 starts October 12 at 12:30 p.m. local time with late registration remaining open until the end of Level 10, which will be around 1:30 p.m. There's only a single reentry available in the event and approximately 15 percent of the field will be paid. The plan for the day's proceedings is to play down to the winner, through 30-minute levels.

Of the total buy-in, $5,000 will go towards the bounty prize pool, with mystery bounty tokens coming into play, today, at the start of Level 13. Bounty prizes will not be confirmed until after the close of registration, but it is expected that the largest bounty will be worth $100,000.

PokerNews will be reporting live for the entirety of this Mystery Bounty as the event plays down to a winner, so be sure to stick with the updates to keep up with all the action.

Tags: Ahmed KarrimAlex KulevAliaksandr HirsAntoine LabatChristian RudolphElias GutierrezFarid JattinIakov OnuchinKanan TaherkhaniMarcelo ManfrediniSam GraftonStoyan Obreshkov