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2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€1,100 Estrellas Poker Tour Main Event
Dias: 1e
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
1,000,000 / 1,500,000
Informações do Jogador - Dia 1e
Jogadores Restantes

Manns Gets There

Nível 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

in a pot of 30,000, two players were looking at a board that read {9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{3-Hearts}. The action was on Sascha Manns in middle position and he decided to rip it all in for 55,500. This brought the action over to Kirby Peyer on the button, who went into the tank.

After a good 30 seconds, he eventually elected to call and the cards were tabled, with Manns at risk.

Sascha Manns: {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Kirby Peyer: {j-Clubs}{9-Spades}

Although Peyer was ahead when he made the call, Manns had a lot of outs to get there with as any six, jack, ace or heart would give him the win.

and sure enough, the river was the {2-Hearts} to give Manns the nut flush to win the pot for a big double up as Peyer was left shaking his head.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Sascha Manns mt
Sascha Manns
Kirby Peyer ca
Kirby Peyer

Tags: Kirby PeyerSascha Manns

10 Minute Hand a Chop

Nível 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

There was already 30,000 in the middle as Ofer Zvi Stern and Raphael Abitbol saw a flop of {q-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{10-Spades}. Abitbol bet 21,000 from the button and Stern called from under the gun.

The turn came the {10-Hearts} and Stern checked over to Abitbol, who fired out another 40,000. Stern went into the tank for a few minutes before cutting out the chips to all and sticking them in with a shrug.

Stern again checked on the {k-Clubs} river and Abitbol tanked for several minutes before moving all in for 104,000. Now it was Stern's time to tank once again before the clock was eventually called.

Stern checked his phone to see if late registration for the later flight was still open, then called. He showed {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts} for the rivered straight, while Abitbol had {k-Spades}{j-Spades} for the flopped straight.

"Weird shove," Stern said as both players chopped up the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Raphael Abitbol fr
Raphael Abitbol
Ofer Zvi Stern us
Ofer Zvi Stern

Tags: Ofer Zvi SternRaphael Abitbol

Nível: 16

Blinds: 2,000/5,000

Ante: 5,000

Milisa Triples Up With Lucky Turn

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante

Snjezana Milisa shoved all in for 68,000, Ali Ghezelbash re-shoved, and Thierry Labat also shoved from the hijack having both players covered.

Snjezana Milisa: {8-Clubs}{8-Hearts}
Ali Ghezelbash: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
Thierry Labat: {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

The {10-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{7-Spades} flop kept Ghezelbash's kings in front, but Milisa spiked the {8-Diamonds} on the turn to make a set. The river came the {a-Spades} and Labat began celebrating before realizing Milisa had a set.

Milisa tripled up, while Labat's pair of aces cracked Ghezelbash's kings to send him to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Snjezana Milisa hr
Snjezana Milisa
Thierry Labat fr
Thierry Labat
Ali Ghezelbash au
Ali Ghezelbash

Tags: Ali GhezelbashThierry LabatSnjezana Milisa

Bleiker Runs Into Flynn's Aces

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante

Moritz Bleiker moved all in for 45,500 and Jamie Flynn tanked for a moment on the button before calling. The rest of the table got out of the way.

Moritz Bleiker: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Jamie Flynn: {a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}

Bleiker was left hoping for a miracle but didn't get any as the board ran out {6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}{6-Hearts}, becoming the latest casualty on Day 1e.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jamie Flynn ie
Jamie Flynn
Moritz Bleiker se
Moritz Bleiker

Tags: Jamie FlynnMoritz Bleiker

Abdulkarim Pulls Big Bluff

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante

In a pot of roughly 30,000 on a flop of {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{5-Spades}, Angel Blanco Puras checked from the big blind and Jawed Abdulkarim bet 10,500. Puras quickly raised to 21,000 and without much thought, Abdulkarim bumped it up to 50,000 total.

Puras went deep in the tank, thinking for several minutes before the clock was called and he was given 30-seconds to act. Close to the end of the timer Puras open-folded {a-Spades}{j-Spades} for trip aces. Abdulkarim tabled {k-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} for only king-high and the big bluff while he scooped in the pot, adding to his large stack.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jawed Abdulkarim fr
Jawed Abdulkarim
Angel Blanco Puras es
Angel Blanco Puras

Tags: Angel Blanco Puras

Noran Out-Flops Mangano

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante

Seeiar Noran open-shoved a stack of 105,000 from the hijack and Xavier Mangano re-shoved a slightly smaller stack from the cutoff to get the hand heads-up.

Xavier Mangano: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}
Seeiar Noran: {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}

Mangano had his opponent dominated until the flop landed {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}{4-Clubs} to catapult Noran in front with trips. The {a-Clubs} on the turn filled Noran up and had his opponent drawing dead headed to the {q-Clubs} river.

"20 big blinds with ace-jack?" Mangano said in frustration as he left his seat.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Seeiar Noran fr
Seeiar Noran
Xavier Mangano be
Xavier Mangano

Tags: Seeiar NoranXavier Mangano

Deuces Don't Lose for Sluis

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Bixi Yao
Bixi Yao

Dwayne Sluis raised to 11,000 pre-flop before Bixi Yao shoved all in for around 50,000 in the cutoff. Action folded back to Sluis, who called.

Bixi Yao: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}
Dwayne Sluis: {2-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

The {10-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{q-Hearts} board was no help for Yao and she was already getting up from her seat as the dealer turned over the {6-Clubs} on the river, earning Sluis the knockout.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Dwayne Sluis nl
Dwayne Sluis
Bixi Yao gb
Bixi Yao

Tags: Bixi YaoDwayne Sluis

Codrean Takes from Ramos

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante

Viorel Codrean opened to 13,000 from under the gun and Dennys Luis Ramos defended his big blind.

Ramos checked on the flop of {q-Spades}{8-Hearts}{8-Clubs} and Codrean checked back. The turn brought a third eight with the {8-Spades} and Ramos again checked. Codrean fired a bet of 10,000 and his opponent laid it down.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Viorel Codrean ro
Viorel Codrean
Dennys Luis Ramos br
Dennys Luis Ramos

Tags: Dennys Luis RamosViorel Codrean