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2015 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€25,500 High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2015 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
40,000 / 80,000

Yan and Kenney Beating Up On Komcharokov

Nível 3 : 150/300, 25 ante

In two back-to-back hands, Nikolay Komcharokov saw his stack get cut down to approximately 10,000, and it was thanks to [Removed:17] and Bryn Kenney.

On the first hand of the two, Saneh Hanibael opened to 800 from under the gun, Nikolay Komcharokov called from middle position, Kenney called from the hijack seat, and then Yan reraised to 3,900 on the button. Play folded back to Hanibael. He folded, then Komcharokov called. Kenney also folded.

On the {J-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{4-Hearts} flop, Komcharokov checked, and Yan bet 5,800. Komcharokov check-raised all in, and Yan called to put himself at risk for 45,650. Yan had the {K-Clubs}{K-Spades} versus Komcharokov's {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}.

The turn was the {5-Diamonds}, and the river was the {4-Clubs} to give Yan the double to over 100,000 in chips.

On the next hand, Komcharokov opened to 800 from early position, and Kenney reraised to 2,100 from the hijack seat. Komcharokov called after the action folded back to him, and the two players took a flop of {9-Spades}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}. They checked the flop and the {Q-Hearts} turn before the {A-Diamonds} appeared on the river. Komcharokov checked, Kenney bet 4,100, and Komcharokov called.

Kenney tabled the {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} for top pair, and Komcharokov mucked his hand.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of [Removed:17] nz
Profile photo of Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
Profile photo of Saneh Hanibael br
Saneh Hanibael
Profile photo of Nikolay Komcharokov ru
Nikolay Komcharokov

Tags: Bryn KenneyNikolay KomcharokovSaneh Hanibael

Jacobson Bluffs Off a Chunk

Nível 3 : 150/300, 25 ante
Martin Jacobson
Martin Jacobson

Main Event champion Martin Jacobson has joined the high rolling festivities, but he's in an early hole after a pot against Yuichi Sumida. On a board of {4-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, Sumida checked to Jacobson, who bet 11,000. Sumida took only a little time before calling, and Jacobson flipped over {a-Clubs}{7-Clubs} for a missed flush draw. Sumida had {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Yuichi Sumida jp
Yuichi Sumida
Profile photo of Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson

Tags: Martin JacobsonYuichi Sumida

Nível: 3

Blinds: 150/300

Ante: 25

Peters Gets Big Value

Nível 2 : 100/200, 25 ante
David Peters
David Peters

David Peters bet about 6,500 from under the gun on a {5-Clubs}{7-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{j-Spades} board and got a call from Jean-Noel Thorel. He fired much bigger, 19,200 on the {3-Clubs} river, and Thorel quickly flicked in some chips to call. Peters showed {5-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} for bottom set on the flop and took the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of David Peters us
David Peters
Profile photo of Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel

Tags: David PetersJean-Noel Thorel

Former EPT Grand Final Champ Takes on an Australian

Nível 2 : 100/200, 25 ante

Australian Geoffrey Mooney opened for 600 under the gun and former EPT Grand Final Main Event champ Mohsin Charania, who was seated to Mooney's direct left, three-bet to 1,800. Action folded back to Mooney, who called to see a {6-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{5-Hearts} flop. Mooney checked and then wasted little time in releasing his hand after Charania bet 2,050.

Not much of a hand, but it gave us a good excuse to update you on both their stacks.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Geoffrey Mooney au
Geoffrey Mooney
Profile photo of Mohsin Charania us
Mohsin Charania
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Geoffrey MooneyMohsin Charania

One for Firsau; Soika Off to a Good Start

Nível 2 : 100/200, 25 ante

Ihar Soika opened for 550 and received a call from Chang He on the button. Vasili Firsau came along from the big blind, and three players took a flop of {7-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{2-Hearts}. Firsau checked, Soika bet 900, and He folded. Firsau check-called and then led out for 500 on the {J-Hearts} turn. Soika quickly folded.

Despite losing that hand, Soika is still off to a good start in this tournament, while both Firsau and He are hovering near the starting stack.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ihar Soika by
Ihar Soika
Profile photo of Chang He cn
Chang He
Profile photo of Vasili Firsau by
Vasili Firsau

Tags: Chang HeIhar SoikaVasili Firsau

On for Von Toperczer

Nível 2 : 100/200, 25 ante
Sebastian Von Toperczer
Sebastian Von Toperczer

With 5,700 in the pot and a flop of {2-Spades}{7-Hearts}{4-Clubs}, Martin Jacobson checked from the small blind and Max Silver did the same from middle position. Germany's Sebastian Von Toperczer followed suit from the cutoff, and the dealer burned and turned the {A-Spades}.

Two more checks opened the door for Von Toperczer to bet 3,200, and that did the trick as both Jacobson and Silver folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Max Silver gb
Max Silver
Profile photo of Sebastian Von Toperczer de
Sebastian Von Toperczer

Tags: Martin JacobsonMax SilverSebastian Von Toperczer