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2014 EPT Sanremo

€4,900 Main Event
Dias: 1a
Event Info

2014 EPT Sanremo

Resultados Finais
Vicky Coren Mitchell
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
60,000 / 120,000

Digging With No Spade

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Miguel Gurrea Monton opened for 1,150 and found a single caller in Manlio Iemina on the button. The two players checked it all the way down to the river of a final board showing:

{a-Spades}{3-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{2-Spades}{4-Spades}. Four spades to a flush and a straight on board and Monton looked back at his cards. He bet 2,000 and was raised to 6,000 who hadn’t looked back at his cards but did so after betting.

Monton threw out the chips for a call and mucked when Iemina turned over {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for the nut straight. Not a spade between them.

Tags: Miguel Gurrea MontonManlio Iemina

Monton Folds The River

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Miguel Gurrea Monton is the initial raiser and makes it 1200 preflop, Antonio Lafosse Fernandez raised to 3500 and Monton called to see the {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} flop. The Spaniard quickly check-called 5,000 and then 10,000 on the {5-Hearts} turn only to tank fold the {10-Spades} river. Monton openly showed {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} for two pair and then proceeded to ask "Color?" towards the other side of the table. No answer.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Miguel Gurrea Monton es
Miguel Gurrea Monton

Tags: Miguel Gurrea Monton

Leclerq Busts With Aces

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

There was a raise to 1,000 and Christophe Leclercq flatted the small blind, Darie Vlad one seat further tossed in the additional 500 for the call as well and they saw the {6-Spades}{5-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} flop. Suddenly the Frenchman bet 4,500 and Vlad raised enough to put him all in. The initial raiser folded and Leclercq called with the {A-Spades}{A-Hearts} only to see his opponent turn over the {Q-Spades}{6-Hearts}. Both the {3-Clubs} turn and the {K-Spades} river were of no help for the Frenchman and he has been eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Christophe Leclercq
Christophe Leclercq

Tags: Christophe Leclercq

The Rich Get Richer

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
Jose Carlos Garcia
Jose Carlos Garcia

Polish online qualifier Jose Carlos Garcia, who won the €2,000 Six Max Turbo here two years ago for €58,900, made it 1,000 from the hijack position. Action folded to Aku Joentausta in the big blind. Joentausta shoved all in, effectively asking Garcia to commit his 11,000 stack. Garcia indeed committed, and the cards were tabled.

Jose Carlos Garcia: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}
Aku Joentausta: {J-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}

What was about a coin flip situation pre flop, was an almost mission impossible post flop. The {J-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} gave Joentausta a full house and left Garcia nearly drawing dead. Runner runner queens or aces wasn't going to happen, the {3-Diamonds} on the turn sealed the deal. Garcia got up from the table, wished his former table mates good luck, and left as the {7-Clubs} hit the river.

Aku Joentausta is probably the chip leader of the tournament with about 120,000 in chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Aku Joentausta fi
Aku Joentausta
Jose Carlos Garcia pl
Jose Carlos Garcia

Tags: Aku JoentaustaJose Carlos Garcia

Sanchez Brito Stands No Chance

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Carlos Antonio Sanchez Brito moved all in from early position for less than 10,000 and the action folded to Jordan Westmorland in the big blind. Westmorland already eliminated "Friend of PokerStars" Natalie Hof not that long ago and he would score the next knock out when his {K-Diamonds}{A-Spades} held up against the {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} of his opponent. After the {Q-Clubs}{4-Spades}{K-Spades} flop the Spaniard already left the table, neither the {J-Diamonds} turn nor the {4-Clubs} river delivered him a miracle.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jordan Westmorland us
Jordan Westmorland
Carlos Antonio Sanchez Brito
Carlos Antonio Sanchez Brito

Tags: Carlos Antonio Sanchez BritoJordan Westmorland

Chase the Ace

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Carlo Savinelli opened the action for 1,000 and got two callers, Giovanni Salvatore on the button and Vanessa Selbst in the big blind.

The three players saw a flop of {a-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. Selbst checked, Savinelli continued for 1,200 and Salvatore raised the betting to 3,000. Selbst seemed to be sniffing something out and sat motionless for a minute before letting it go.

The action was back on Savinelli now and he made the call to see the turn card {a-Clubs}. Savinelli made a bet of 5,000. Salvatore didn’t like it one bit and made a reluctant fold showing the {2-Hearts}.

“He has nothing for sure.” Selbst said. Sure enough Savinelli showed the {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}.

Tags: Giovanni SalvatoreVanessa SelbstCarlo Savinelli

Former EPT Champ Takes Down EPT10 Sanremo Event #15

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

EPT Prague champion Salvatore Bonavena was chip leader going in to Day 2 of the €250 PLO Double Chance and used the advantage to navigate his way to the winner's circle. The two-day event started with 60 players, which created a €14,550 prize pool. A heads-up deal with fellow Italian Andrea Vitale saw Bonavena walk away with the trophy and €3,750.

EPT10 Sanremo Event #15 €250 NL Turbo

Buy-inEntrantsPrize Pool

Salvatore Bonavena

1stSalvatore BonavenaItaly€3,750*
2ndAndrea VitaleItaly€3,750*
3rdNiklas Marcus WarlichGermany€2,050
4thRenato CrosettiItaly€1,550
5thDzmitry UrbanovichPoland€1,200
6thFrancesco De VivoItaly€930
7thOuisem MkheniniFrance€740
8thNicolas SchaeferSwitzerland€580

Tags: Salvatore Bonavena

Frankland Gets There

Nível 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

As we approached the table, Mathew Frankland had just bet out 2,650 from the small blind. The flop read {4-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{8-Spades} and his next door neighbor, Italian live satellite winner Francesco Brambilla, made the call from the button.

The {J-Hearts} completed the board and Frankland bet 4,600. Brambilla instantly called by tossing in a blue 5,000 chip, but would lose that chip just as instantly as well as Frankland showed {10-Spades}{9-Clubs} for the rivered straight and Brambilla mucked.

"You're allowed to smile" said someone at the table. Frankland was actually smiling when he counted his 39,000 stack.

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Mathew Frankland gb
Mathew Frankland

Tags: Mathew FranklandFrancesco Brambilla