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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #32: $10,000 Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Dias: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações do Nível
30,000 / 60,000

Ausmus Wins a Race, Doubles

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Jeremy Ausmus was all in and at risk preflop for 127,000 holding {6-Clubs}{6-Spades}, and he was racing against the {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts} of Samay Parikh.

The {4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{7-Spades} flop gave Ausmus an open-ended straight draw to go along with his pair, and although he didn't complete his straight, he held as the turn and river came {7-Clubs}, {2-Diamonds} respectively.

The 2012 November Niner doubled to 257,000 chipsm while Parikh was crippled to 11,500.

Parikh doubled multiple times after the hand, however, and is back up to 88,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Jeremy Ausmus us
Jeremy Ausmus
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Samay Parikh in
Samay Parikh

Tags: Jeremy AusmusSamay Parikh

Yet Another Double

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
George Danzer doubles
George Danzer doubles

George Danzer open-shoved for 65,000 on the button, and Larry Wright looked him up in the small blind.

Danzer: {q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Wright: {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades}

The {8-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} flop changed very little, but the {q-Clubs} spiked on the turn, giving Danzer a leading pair of jacks. The {4-Spades} bricked off on the river, and the German doubled to 133,000 chips.

Wright slipped to 308,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Larry Wright us
Larry Wright
WSOP 1X Winner
George Danzer de
George Danzer
WSOP 4X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Larry WrightGeorge Danzer

Don't Call it a Comeback

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Benjamin Pollak raised to 11,500 from under the gun, Samay Parikh moved all in for 87,000 in the cutoff, and the action folded back to Pollak, who called.

Pollak: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
Parikh: {6-Spades}{6-Diamonds}

Parikh improved to a set of sixes on a flop of {6-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, and he couldn't lose when the turn brought the {5-Hearts}, but the two would chop with a {7-} on the river.

The {9-Spades} changed nothing though, and Parikh doubled through.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Samay Parikh in
Samay Parikh
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakSamay Parikh

Silver Doubles Through Sammartino

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Dario Sammartino opened for 11,000from the cutoff and from the small blind it was Max Silver who three-bet to 32,500. The big blind folded, Sammartino made the call.

Silver continued for 42,500 on {3-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{J-Spades} and Sammartino made the call. The Italian player called the 69,500 Silver bet on the {5-Clubs}-turn as well, and they were off to the river.

The {A-Hearts} completed the board and Silver pushed his 139,000 stack to the middle. Or wait, he didn't actually shoved the chips in, he just announced all in. Sammartino made the call instantly, but mucked after Silver showed {A-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} for a rivered top two.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Max Silver gb
Max Silver
WSOP 1X Winner
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dario SammartinoMax Silver

Patel and Townsend Butt Heads Again

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Hiren Patel
Hiren Patel

Wade Townsend raised to 11,500 from the cutoff, Hiren "Sunny" Patel three-bet to 27,500 out of the small blind, and Townsend called.

The flop fell {j-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{3-Hearts}, Patel led out for 24,500, and Townsend called. Townsend called another bet of 42,500 on the turn ({10-Hearts}), and the {a-Clubs} completed the board.

Patel emptied the chamber, firing a third and final bullet worth 124,500, and Townsend called. Patel turned over {k-Hearts}{10-Clubs} for trip tens, and Townsend mucked.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Hiren Patel us
Hiren Patel
Wade Townsend us
Wade Townsend

Tags: Wade TownsendHiren Patel

Wright Done Wrong

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Larry Wright - Eliminated
Larry Wright - Eliminated

Larry Wright tossed out a bet of 10,500 on a board of {q-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{4-Spades}{5-Diamonds}, and Kyle White put in a raise to 38,000. Wright got out of his chair and started digging in his pocket.

"If it's heads, I'm going all in," Wright said. "If it's tails, I'm raising."

The coin came up tails, and true enough Wright just raised to 75,000. White moved all in for effectively 290,000, and Wright snap-called.

Wright: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}
White: {6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}

White had two draws, and one of them hit when the dealer spiked the {2-Spades} on the felt on the river. Not seeing that White had made a straight, Wright popped out of his chair and started clapping.

"Larry," George Danzer said. "He made a straight."

"What?" Wright said, stunned.

He came back to see that White had indeed made a six-high straight, and he was eliminated.

White chipped up to 820,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Kyle White ca
Kyle White
Larry Wright us
Larry Wright
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: George DanzerKyle WhiteLarry Wright

Parikh Busts

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Samay Parikh's comeback has been cut short by Scott Clements.

Parikh four-bet shoved for 140,000 on the button, and Clements, who three-bet out of the small blind, quickly called.

Parikh: {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}
Clements: {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

Parikh made a pair of kings on the {7-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{10-Hearts} flop, but Clements made a set of tens. Parikh was drawing very live when the turn brought the {j-Hearts}, and he could chop with a heart on the river, but the {7-Diamonds} was a brick, and he was eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Clements us
Scott Clements
WSOP 3X Winner
Samay Parikh in
Samay Parikh

Tags: Samay ParikhScott Clements

Markin Blows Up

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Leonid Markin
Leonid Markin

Dario Sammartino opened the hijack for 11,000 and Max Silver three-bet to 29,000 from the button. Leonid Markin made the call from the big blind and action was back on Sammartino. The Italian player made it 100,000 and Silver quickly released. Markin made the call though, and they were off to the flop.

{K-Spades}{5-Spades}{5-Hearts} and Markin checked. Sammartino bet out about 85,000, but before we could count how much it exactly was, Markin had already shoved all in. Sammartino double checked his cards and then called immediately.

Markin didn't want to show his cards; "I have nothing". Sammartino wasn't showing his cards yet either, prompting Ashton Griffin to press the two to table them anyway. Markin eventually showed {Q-Clubs}{J-Clubs} for no pair and no draw. Sammartino had by far the best of it with {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}.

The {2-Hearts} on the turn was a blank and left Markin drawing dead. While he still had chips left, he left the tournament area before the {3-Diamonds} on the river was even dealt. He knew he had chips left (145,000), he just needed to blow off some steam.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
WSOP 1X Winner
Leonid Markin ru
Leonid Markin

Tags: Dario SammartinoLeonid Markin

No More Ladies

Nível 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Brigette Lau - Eliminated
Brigette Lau - Eliminated

Brigitte Lau has just departed and that means there are no more women left in the tournament.

She got her chips in with {6-Clubs}{3-Clubs} from the small blind on a {5-Hearts}{4-Spades}{8-Clubs}-flop. Het opponent was Joe Cada who made the call holding {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}.

The {9-Clubs} on the turn was a great card for Lau who added a flush draw to her open-ended outs. The {3-Diamonds} on the river was a blank though, the pair it gave her wasn't enough to best Cada's over pair.

Her husband, Chamath Palihapitiya, was sweating her on the rail, and tweeted the following:

Chamath PalihapitiyaUnbelievably proud of my wife @blau00 for her first WSOP cash - $10k 6-handed (aka Murderer's Row). So cool that we've now both cashed @WSOP
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner
Brigette Lau us
Brigette Lau

Tags: Brigette LauJoe Cada